March 4, 2023
Conference Paper
Derivation of Requirements for the Formation of Collective Target Systems for Technology-Based Cooperation Between Manufacturing Corporates and Startups
Disruptive innovations are putting incumbent manufacturing companies under increasing pressure to defend their competitive position in globalized markets. To withstand this pressure, they can form cooperation agreements with startups aiming for the creation of technical innovations and, thus, ensuring access to technologies and growth. Due to organizational differences and an insufficient explication of cooperation objectives, these cooperation pose a major challenge for both partners. In this paper, the authors discuss the status-quo in the formation of entrepreneurial target systems and, thereby, systematically derive corporate as well as startup-specific cooperation deficits. Based on the analysis of creating individual target systems, a first attempt is taken to elaborate requirements for the development of a model to form collective target system for the cooperation between corporates and startups. Subsequently, model characteristics for the derivation of joint targets and requirements are discussed to enable a comparison between corporates and startups. The development of a concept for a requirements comparison based on a collective cooperation target system supports corporates and startups to ensure the fulfilling of the competitive advantage.