Einfluß sintertechnischer Grenzen für die Herstellung von schwingbeanspruchten Bauteilen aus Sinterstahl
Other Title
Influence of technical limitations in the production of fatigue loaded PM'Components
In order to extend the already available knowledge on monotonic and cyclic stressstrain behaviour, fracture mechanical and fatigue properties of mostly used sintered alloys Fe-1.5%Cu, Fe-1.5%Cu-0.6%C, Fe2.0%Cu-2.5%Ni and Fe-0.45%P (delta = 6.6 to 7.3 g/ccm) and to determine the influence of technical limitations in the production of fatigue loaded PM'components, this investigation puts emphasis on following topics: - Influence of sintering time, temperature and atmosphere on the behaviour of the alloys Fe-4.0%Ni-1.5%Cu-0.5%Mo-0.6%C and Fe-2.0%Cu-2.5%Ni (delta = 7.1 g/ccm). - Properties of the alloys Fe-2.0%Ni-0.5%Mo-0.4%C, Fe-1.5%Cu-0.6%C and Fe-2.0%Cu-2.5%Ni after powder forging (delta bigger than 7.7 g/ccm). - Behaviour of the alloy Fe-1.5%Cu (delta = 6.8 and 7.1 g/ccm) manufactured from different iron powders RZ 150, NC 100.24, WPL 150 and WPL 150 smaller than 60 mym. - Influence of different batches of the alloy Fe-1.5%Cu (delta = 6.8, 7.1 and 7.4 g/ccm) and their behaviour after e xposure to salt spray in corrosion protected state and influence of different batches of the alloy Fe-0.45%P (delta = 7.1 and 7.4 g/ccm). - Behaviour of the as sintered and quenched and tempered alloy Fe-0.8%Mn0.95%Cr-0.24%Mo-0.6%C (delta = 7.1 g/ccm). - Variable amplitude of the alloys Fe-4.0%Ni-1.5%Cu-0.5%Mo-0.6%C, Fe2.0%Cu-2.5%Ni (delta = 7.1 g/ccm) and of the above mentioned three powder forged alloys.
Corporate Author
Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit -LBF-, Darmstadt
Fraunhofer LBF
Publishing Place