Conference Paper
Local learning networks - an effective instrument to reduce transaction costs for decisions to invest in efficient motor systems
Profitable efficiency potentials are often not exploited in industry, since management does not tend to focus on energy issues. Transaction costs are high, especially for "minor" investment in electric motor systems. Sharing experiences between companies reveals possibilities for reducing the transaction costs involved and convincing management to pay more attention to energy efficiency. Learning networks to regionally organised companies achieved substantial savings by sharing a senior engineer, who provided on-the-spot consulting, expert information, and by monitoring the three monthly half day meetings when they share their experiences of their most recent efficiency investments. The results of some evaluations show that the efficiency potentials of electric motor systems and lighting have been specifically taken up by the companies with substantial progress being made compared to the business-as-usual efficiency progress in electricity use. The reasons for these achievements are discussed and conclusions are drawn about the opportunities and limits of this instrument. Finally, a recommendation is made that this instrument be implemented at the EU level.