New buildings & NZEBs (CT1)
Title Supplement
Status in November 2016
In 2010, the adoption of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive - EBPD (Directive 2010/31/EU) presented both the building industry and Member States (MSs) with new challenges. One of the most prominent among them, as far as new buildings are concerned, is the progress towards Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEBs) by 2021 (or, in the case of public buildings by 2019). Thus, since 2010 and also during the current working phase, the Concerted Action EPBD (CA EPBD) has been discussing the issues related to NZEB, promoting dialogue and the exchange of best practices among MSs, and thereby contributing to a more effective implementation of the EPBD. The work of the CA EPBD under the Central team New Buildings & NZEBs focuses on practical challenges and experiences with the early implementation of NZEBs in the MSs by collecting case studies and discussing how to integrate renewable energy systems (RES) and other innovative technologies, as well as the indoor climate issue, into the energy performance assessment methods. This report summarises the main outcomes of the work of the CA EPBD under the Central team New Buildings & NZEBs on these topics from October 2015 to November 2016. The work is based on the active participation of the national delegates (representing national authorities in charge of implementing the EPBD), and includes information gained from questionnaires, national studies and poster presentations.
European Commission
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