Journal Article
Modelling and corrosion of coated stainless steel substrates for bipolar plates at different temperatures
The corrosion behaviour of coated stainless steel as bipolar plate material in PEM fuel cell applications and its improvement through the surface modifications was investigated. A commercial SS316L stainless steel grade was deposited with thin multi-layer coatings, consisting of a carbon top layer and a chromium interlayer of two different thicknesses. Interfacial contact resistance measurements revealed that the applied Cr/C coatings are highly conductive and surpass the ICR criteria, suggested by the U.S. Department of Energy. Corrosion resistance was thoroughly analysed by potentiodynamic polarisation and cyclic voltammetry in 0.5 M H2SO4 at room temperature and 80 °C, respectively, combined with numerical modelling. Electrochemical results agree well with numerical modelling, including the dissolution of metallic species, local pH-shifts and changes of electrolyte conductivity. Furthermore, the study shows that the application of a Cr/C coating significantly reduces the current density in the passive region during potentiodynamic polarisation and lowering the corrosion rate of the steel substrate by at least a factor of two.