Journal Article
Results of four European round-robins on short-circuit current temperature coefficient measurements of photovoltaic devices of different size
Within the EURAMET ENG55 ""PhotoClass"" project, several characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) devices beyond their performance at Standard Test Conditions were investigated, including measurements at varying irradiance and temperature. Four groups of PV devices of different size and technology were prepared and corresponding round-robins were run between partner laboratories with substantially different facilities and methods - namely based on spectral or integral measurements. This paper presents the outcome of the four inter-laboratory comparisons dealing with temperature coefficient measurements of the short-circuit current of PV devices, from reference-cell size to full-size commercial modules of mainly several c-Si technologies, but also with some examples of CIGS and GaAs devices. The measurement results are compared via En number assessment, hence including measurement uncertainties. The main outcome of this measurement exercise is a very good agreement of all the laboratories although completely different approaches were applied. In some cases, laboratory measurement uncertainties are even considered rather conservative and could therefore be revised. Furthermore, a comparison between bare cells and commercial modules of the same technology is made, which may represent useful information for PV manufacturers.
European Association of National Metrology Institutes EURAMET