Conference Proceeding
VAST 2011, 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Title Supplement
Eurographics Symposium Proceedings, The 9th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, 18th-21st October 2011, Prato, Italy
VAST is a primary event, enabling on the one hand the interaction between Archaeologists, Cultural Heritage professionals and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) scientists, and on the other hand the dissemination of innovative solutions for the preservation and conservation of the world heritage. VAST is a unique scenario for the demonstration of state of the art research in the areas of data acquisition and processing, metadata handling, and presentation, as well as for the communication and understanding of practitioners' experience in the field. The VAST platform boosts the establishment of 3D documentation and digital libraries as standard instruments for the integration of 3D digital assets within professional environments, fostering the scholarly research and the public engagement.
Corporate Author
European Association for Computer Graphics -EUROGRAPHICS-