Industrialization of Water Electrolysis in Germany: Towards a GW Industry for a Successful Transition of the Energy Sector to Renewable Energies. A short overview about the main results of the study
Title Supplement
Presentation held at WHEC 2018, 22nd World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19th June 2018
Summary of the study: ""Industrialization of Water Electrolysis in Germany: Towards a GW industry for a successful transition of the Energy Sector to Renewable Energies"". The available electrolysis-technologies (AEL, PEMEL, SOEL) are assessed concerning their development status and future potential (electric energy demand, stack life time etc.). Furthermore, the future hydrogen demand in Germany is predicted by the use of the REMod-D-tool in a scenario analysis and the installation of the necessary electrolysis-capacity is evaluated concerning potential challenges. The technology development and production processes of electrolysers are not identified as bottlenecks. Water-electrolysis is ready for market roll-out - solely the resource use and regulatory frameworks hamper the predicted development. The depicted roadmap for the industrialization of water-electrolysis supplies an overview about necessary measures for supporting the market roll-out of the technology.