Conference Paper
Numerical and experimental analysis of self piercing riveting process with carbon fiber-reinforced plastic and aluminium sheets
In this study a numerical simulation model was designed for representing the joining process of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) and aluminum alloy with semi-tubular selfpiercing rivet. The first step towards this goal is to analyze the piercing process of CFRP numerical and experimental. Thereby the essential process parameters, tool geometries and material characteristics are determined and in finite element model represented. Subsequently the finite element model will be verified and calibrated by experimental studies. The next step is the integration of the calibrated model parameters from the piercing process in the extensive simulation model of self-piercing rivet process. The comparison between the measured and computed values, e.g. process parameters and the geometrical connection characteristics, shows the reached quality of the process model. The presented method provides an experimental reliable characterization of the damage of the composite material and an evaluation of the connection performances, regarding the anisotropic property of CFRP.