OPTRES. Assessment and optimisation of renewable energy support schemes in the European electricity market
This book was written in the frame of the OPTRES project, which was supported by the European Commission within the framework of the Intelligent Energy for Europe programme. The consortium, consisting of six European partners, analysed the effectiveness as well as the economic efficiency of currently implemented support schemes for renew-able energies in the electricity sector (RES-E) in the enlarged European Union. The analysis gives recommendations for future improvements of the existing RES-E promotion measures. Furthermore the consortium carried out an extensive stakeholder consultation, focussing on the identification of existing market barriers to the development of renewable electricity in the EU. The effectiveness and efficiency of current and future RES-E support schemes were analysed with particular focus on a single European market for renewable electricity products. Current best practices were identified and an assessment made of the (future) costs of RES-E and the relevant support necessary to initiate stable growth. The main barriers to a higher RES-E deployment as perceived by market actors and stakeholders were assessed.