Diploma Thesis
Concept, design and implementation of a hypervideo application on a smart phone
Hypervideo content can be understood as a video-based hypermedia information structure providing the user with the option to exert influence on the way the video-related content is presented. It offers them the opportunity to take an active part in the presentation. It has been proven that the combination of interactivity, video content and multimedia documents, forming a hypermedia structure, is a powerful way to convey information. Moreover, hypervideo applications provide means for exchanging and retrieving multimedia content in a community. The main objectives of this thesis are the concept, design and implementation of a hypervideo application on a smart phone. The work illustrates a general approach for the development of a hypervideo application for mobile environments. To this end, the available mobile platforms were examined and compared. Afterwards, a complete conceptual architecture framework was designed. In addition to that, different visualization and interaction concepts were investigated and evaluated, considering the reduced screen space, low processing power and memory, and limited interaction possibilities. The key findings of the developed concepts were presented in a prototype implementation.
Thesis Note
Darmstadt, TU, Dipl.-Arb., 2006
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