Development in dry metal forming - Structuring Ta-C coated tools with direct laser interference patterning and ultra-short pulsed lasers to reduce friction and wear
Title Supplement
Paper presented at ICALEO 2019, International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, October 7-10, 2019, Orlando, Florida
Typically, lubrication is used in forming processes to reduce the friction between the tool and the workpiece. However, it is known that lubrication can cause environmental and health hazards and is also representing additional costs due to the lubricant itself as well as the efforts that are required because of the cleaning procedures. In consequence, the idea of a lubricant-free forming is drawing more and more attention from an ecologic and economic point of view. This objective can be reached using coatings and surface treatments, which permit to reduce both wear and friction. In this work, a hydrogen-free diamond like carbon layer (DLC) with a sp³-ratio of 70% is deposited on steel surfaces and are subsequently micro-structured employing Direct Laser Interference Patterning (DLIP). This strategy permits to control the contact area of the tribological system accompanied by an improvement of the wear properties. Furthermore, a local rehybridization of the DLC material is induced by the selective laser treatment. Tribological measurements performed with a ball-on-disktribometer on planar, ta-C coated steel samples show a change of the coefficient of friction and wear behavior for differently DLIP-structured surface textures. Finally, a concept for the treatment of threedimensional surfaces using DLIP is presented.
Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming