Conference Paper
Intelligent control of modular kinematics - the robot platform STRIUS
The Fraunhofer Institute of Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) is intensively exploring various service tasks such as cleaning facades, coating buildings and ships, and inspecting structures. To this end, the Fraunhofer IFF developed a modular robot system for movement on vertical or steeply-inclined surfaces. The control of the system is based on a modular programmed on-board PLC. The program structure and it flexible routines allow the robot to automatically overcome typical facade obstacles without preprogrammed data by sensing their position and then generating the necessary steps in order to avoid them. The robot employs a "Sliding Module" kinematics system, which has, in certain applications, many advantages over the original "Sliding Frame" kinematics system. The robot is designed to carry a tool to perform various tasks on a surface. The current prototype, SIRIUS C, carries a cleaning tool and can automatically clean the facades of skyscrapers.