Conference Paper
Energy concepts for manufacturing companies
Other Title
Energiekonzepte in produzierenden Unternehmen
Industry is one of the major energy consumers in order to fulfill the social responsibility of the energy turnaround, with the result to involve companies to use their own generated renewable energy. This objective poses sever challenges for industry. The occurring volatile energy can only be handled by an energy flexible production, which allows the adaption of different energy levels. These must be defined already in the planning stages, so that the production can react to the varying energy availability. A harmonized energy supply and energy demand requires a method to plan both systems.
Die Verwendung volatiler Energien in der Produktion erfordert ein energieflexibles Produktionssystem. Dies ist bereits in der Fabrikplanung zu berücksichtigen um Energieangebot und -nachfrage im Betrieb besser aufeinander abstimmen zu können.