Conference Paper
Tailoring the MontiArcAutomaton Component & Connector ADL for Generative Development
Component & connector (C&C) architecture description languages (ADLs) combine component-based software engineering and model-driven engineering to increase reuse and to abstract from implementation details. Applied to robotics application development, current C&C ADLs often require domain experts to provide component behavior descriptions as programming language artifacts or as models of a-priori fixed behavior modeling languages. They are limited to specific target platforms or require extensive handcrafting to transform platform-independent software architecture models into platform-specific implementations. We have developed the MontiArcAutomaton framework that combines structural extension of C&C concepts with integration of application-specific component behavior modeling languages, seamless transformation from logical into platform-specific software architectures, and a-posteriori black-box composition of code generators for different robotics platforms. This paper describes the roles and activities for tailoring MontiArcAutomaton to application-specific demands.