October 15, 2024
Journal Article
Supporting BIM-driven Factory Design by Engineering Data Management Capabilities
Nearly six thousand factory buildings requiring approval in Germany with a volume of almost 5 billion euros per year. According to recent studies, more than two-thirds of these buildings miss their cost targets by at least 10 percent. Building Information Modelling (BIM) promises considerable potential for optimization in the management of projects (e.g., through the targeted use of digital methods and technologies in project management) and through digital platform-based collaboration between stakeholders in building planning and production system planning in the early design and decision-making phases of engineering. This is where the research project "Holistically plan, build, and operate factories with Building Information Modeling (FaBIM)" comes in. The article presents an IT architecture concept based on a design reference process developed in the research project by experts from construction and factory planning. This supports integrated production system and building planning. The concrete application of an integrated BIM-driven data environment approach along the design reference process is demonstrated using the example of a battery cell factory and platform technology from CONTACT Software.
Fabriken ganzheitlich planen, bauen und betreiben mit Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Open Access
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives