Conference Paper
Ultrasonic Evaluation on Welding Stress State and Characterization of Microstructural State of Al-Welds
But in contrast to steel welding, there are only limited possibilities to relieve the welding stress by post welding treatments. Both, the welding process as well as the post welding treatment of Al-welds change the microstructure, the texture and the stress state. Sheets of the AlCu6Mn were welded with specific welding paramenters. Ultrasonic techniques were used to determine the elastic constants in the wled, in the heat effected zone and in the base material. Based on these fundamentals, ultrasonic techniques were adapted in order to evaluate the stress state and to characterize the microstructural state in and around the weld in terms of elastic anisotropy. The ultrasonically evaluated stress values were found to be in good agreement with those, evaluated by the well established drilling hole-technique and there is a strong correlation found between the ultrasonic characteristics of the microstructural states and the welding energy