Conference Paper
An extension of the output profile list for semi-automated quality control using IMF
New distribution channels for video-content arise almost daily. While generating appropriate media formats for such channels, intensive quality control is applied. Both, workflow-compositing and verification, requires plenty of undesirable human interaction. Thanks to the Interoperable Master Format (IMF), there is already a solution for defining transcoding-workflows by using the Output Profile List (OPL). An OPL can define how an IMF-Package (IMP) is converted into a particular distribution format. For automated Quality Control (QC) of these formats, the authors will present a technology demonstrator allowing for QC'ing of IMF-Packages as well as the derived distribution formats based on the OPL. Therefore, typical quality issues introduced by video transcoders are shown, before the concept of the OPL and its role within the IMF is explained. Based on those findings, the authors suggest an extension of the current IMF-OPL standard for covering (semi-) automated quality control of audio, video and auxiliary data.