Paper (Preprint, Research Paper, Review Paper, White Paper, etc.)
Investigation of mechanical losses of thin silicon flexures at low temperatures
Title Supplement
Published on arXiv
The investigation of the mechanical loss of different silicon flexures in a temperature region from 5 to 300K is presented. The flexures have been prepared by different fabrication techniques. A lowest mechanical loss of 3×10 to -8 was observed for a 130 µm thick flexure at around 10K. While the mechanical loss follows the thermoelastic predictions down to 50K a difference can be observed at lower temperatures for different surface treatments. This surface loss will be limiting for all applications using silicon based oscillators at low temperatures. The extraction of a surface loss parameter using different results from our measurements and other references is presented. We focused on structures that are relevant for gravitational wave detectors. The surface loss parameter s = 0.5 pm was obtained. This reveals that the surface loss of silicon is significantly lower than the surface loss of fused silica.