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  • Publication
    Moving data protection forward
    ( 2024)
    Roßnagel, Alexander
    Geminn, Christian
  • Publication
    The Power of Digitalization in Battery Cell Manufacturing
    ( 2024-02)
    Wunderlich, Philipp
    Ehteshami-Flammer, Niloofar
    ; ;
    Mohring, Leon
    Dahmen, Christian
    Digitalization plays a crucial role in mastering the challenges in battery cell production at scale. This Whitepaper provides an overview of digital enabling technologies and use cases, presents the outcomes of an industry expert survey, and illustrates the results of battery production cost modeling for a chosen set of seven high-impact use cases. Battery and digitalization experts were invited to participate in an online survey aimed at gathering insights on how digital manufacturing solutions can enhance the primary cost drivers of battery cell production. The input is integrated into a Gigafactory model, which enables the quantification of cost and sustainability improvements when a cell manufacturer employs one of the use cases. The study results reveal that, in battery cell manufacturing, electrode production stands out as the primary beneficiary of digitalization, followed by cell finishing. The assembly process ranks third in terms of its potential for improvement through digitalization. The main production cost driver, as seen by the industry experts that participated in the survey, is above all the material scrap rate. The findings of the study quantify and affirm the many-faceted advantages of digitalization, including enhanced product yield, reduced machine downtimes, and increased energy efficiency. Specific use cases of digitalization, covering different lifecycles of a plant, are analyzed in detail regarding their impact on the metrics in the field of operations, sustainably and costs. The data show that the implementation of predictive quality and traceability solutions stand out as the most effective levers to reduce battery material scrap rates by up to 10.3%, compared to a baseline scenario. Predictive maintenance allows to increase machine uptime by 7.2%, while energy management solutions can cut energy consumptions and related emissions by 9.3%. Simulation use cases with a virtual-first approach, such as digital production planning, virtual commissioning, and material flow modeling, contribute to de-bottleneck cell manufacturing operations and result in moderate production cost savings. In a lithium-ion battery cell Gigafactory with annual production capacity of 40 GWh/a, the best investigated use cases offer roughly 0.8% reduction in cell production costs which translate into a potential annual saving of $30M. When considering the initial investment and operational costs for the digital solutions, all use cases result in a net positive cash flow after a few years in operation. Primarily software-based solutions demonstrate scalability and ease of implementation, whereas applications with greater hardware intensity demand closer scrutiny in terms of their payback period. This study emphasizes that digitalization provides competitive advantages to battery cell manufacturers, but the costs and benefits of digital manufacturing use cases must be carefully analyzed and evaluated in terms of their economic advantage. The methodology outlined in this work aids cell manufacturers in making well-founded decisions, serving as a compass that directs the battery industry toward sustainable and impactful digital transformation roadmaps.
  • Publication
    Retrofitting of a Solar Cooling and Heating Plant by Employing Pcm Storage and Adjusting Control Strategy
    ( 2024)
    Huang, Li
    Zou, Deqiu
    Zhuang, Lulu
    Zheng, Rongyue
    A solar cooling and heating plant with a 1,000 L hot water storage tank has been operated since 2018. Two main problems were observed: (1) a fluctuating operation of the absorption chiller due to a high number of stat-up and shut-down procedures; (2) high electricity consumption caused by a low solar fraction SFn of 62.1% during the cooling period. In 2021, the solar plant was retrofitted by employing a shell and tube heat exchanger based on a PCM melting at 64 oC and by adjusting the control strategy. The system performance was evaluated and compared before and after retrofitting based on the operational data in 2021 and 2022. The total number of switch-on times of the chiller shrank by 33.5% and the operation time was increased by 65% in 2022 due to the stable hot water inlet temperature. Contributing to the high heat storage capacity of the PCM storage, more solar thermal energy was utilized and the average SFn reached 90.7% during the cooling period in 2022, leading to a 24.4% reduction in the total electricity consumption compared to 2021.
  • Publication
    Superkraft Sprachmodell?
    ( 2024-03)
    Dinnessen, Felix
    Bringmann, Björn
    Dang, David
    Halscheidt, Sandra
    Die deutsche Verwaltungslandschaft steht angesichts der notwendigen Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von bisher manuellen Prozessen vor einer grundlegenden Transformation. Der Anstieg an Anträgen für Wohngeld, BAföG oder Einbürgerungsverfahren setzt Behörden zusätzlich unter Druck. Der entstehende Rückstau trägt zu einem sinkenden Vertrauen in die Leistungsfähigkeit der öffentlichen Verwaltung bei. Gleichzeitig muss sie die rückläufigen Mitarbeitendenzahlen infolge des demografischen Wandels kompensieren. Generative Künstliche Intelligenz (GenAI) und insbesondere große Sprachmodelle (Large Language Models, LLMs) spielen hier eine wichtige Rolle, um die Mitarbeitenden zukünftig in ihren Aufgaben zu unterstützen, zu entlasten und hierdurch Freiräume zu schaffen, um sich verstärkt der direkten Interaktion mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern zu widmen. In diesem Briefing präsentieren Fraunhofer IAIS und Deloitte drei Anwendungsbeispiele großer Sprachmodelle, von welchen die öffentliche Verwaltung schon heute profitieren kann. Bei der Betrachtung zu etablierender Rahmenbedingungen muss zwischen den behördeninternen Voraussetzungen und der staatlichen Infrastruktur unterschieden werden. Diese Publikation betrachtet die Voraussetzungen auf individueller Ebene der Behörden.
  • Publication
    Auf dem Weg zu einem Zielbild für die Region Heilbronn-Franken
    Hinweise Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-NC-ND. Die Informationen wurden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen unter Beachtung der Grundsätze guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis zusammengestellt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren gehen davon aus, dass die Angaben in diesem Bericht korrekt, vollständig und aktuell sind, übernehmen jedoch für etwaige Fehler, ausdrücklich oder implizit, keine Gewähr. Für einen einfachen Lesefluss wird die männliche Form von Substantiven verwendet, bei der wie immer auch Frauen und Diverse eingeschlossen sind, falls nicht explizit anders hervorgehoben.