Journal Article
Thermische Sporeninaktivierung in dickungsmittel- und fetthaltigen Medien. Teil 1. Dickungsmittelhaltige Medien
Other Title
Thermal inactivation of spores in media containing thickeners and fat. Part 1. Media containing thickeners
In this paper the influence of different thickeners, as used in foodstuffs, on thermal inactivation of some relevant bacterial spores was investigated. The way thickeners affect the death-kinetics of spores depends on the bacterial species. A general statement about the influence of different thickeners on distinct spore-forming bacteria can not be given. It is evident, however, that some thickeners exert protection on spores during thermal treatment. This must be compensated by a higher thermal charge or other adequate precautions to avoid any hygienic risks in foodstuffs.