Book Article
Economic Aspects and Potentials of Renewable Energies in the Federal Republic of Germany
At present, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in primary energy consumption amounts to less than 3% in the Federal Republic of Germany (old). Because of the expected dramatic changes in climate caused by CO2 emissions, RES are considered with increasing confidence as a mean of reducing CO2 emissions in the long term. But the competitiveness of RES depends on the costs of the systems as well as on the costs and prices of the conventional techniques and energy sources they replace. There is a high theoretical potential for RES in Germany. But there are still many obstacles that hinder a fast market penetration. The German Institute for Economic Research and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research carried out a study to evaluate the economic viability of RES (selected standard systems) for West Germany. The analysis leads one to conclude that - from the technical point of view - today the use of RES in the energy market is often feasible, but not from an eco nomic one. Most easily competitiveness is ascribed to solar collectors (pools) and agricultural drying. Economic Assessment of selected renewable energy sysems (RES); Competitiveness of RES in Germany (old); Present situation for RES; RES forecast 2010; Potentials of RES; RES as a mean of reducing CO2 emissions in the long-term. Einschätzung der Wirtschaftlichkeit ausgewählter regenerativer Energiesysteme (REG); Wirtschaftlichkeit von REG in der BR Deutschland (alt); Heutiger Stand der Nutzung; Prognose 2010; REG-Potentiale; langfristige Chancen der CO2-Reduktion durch REG.