Journal Article
Group velocity dispersion in high-performance BH InAs/InP QD and InGaAsP/InP QW two-section passively mode-locked lasers
High-performance buried heterostructure (BH) C-band InAs/InP quantum dot (QD) and L-band InGaAsP/InP quantum well (QW) two-section passively mode-locked lasers (MLLs) are investigated. From the irregularity of the longitudinal mode spacing in the comb spectra, we confirm that under stable passive mode locking, both devices have strong group velocity dispersion (GVD) and corresponding GVD-induced pulse width broadening. After compensation with anomalous dispersion fibers (SMF-28), short pulse trains with sub-ps pulse widths are achieved for both devices. This observation demonstrates our ability to generate high peak power sub-ps pulses using QD MLLs and QW MLLs for many photonic applications of optical communications.