Conference Paper
New method to analyze numerical crash simulation data to assess the suitability of hybrid composite structures in automotive applications
In order to enhance development processes for multi material vehicle architecture concepts involving composites or hybrid composite-metal material systems a method is presented that aims to rationalize engineering judgements by means of quantifiable criteria for the suitability of a certain hybrid material system for a particular structural application. A number of significant crash load cases for a structure is considered simultaneously by superimposing the output data of several numerical crash simulations and defining criteria to qualify the suitability of a particular hybrid material system. The work introduced here focusses on the analysis of the global anisotropy of the crash loading situation as an indicator for a rather composite- or metal-intensive hybrid material system. The definition of the anisotropy criterion and the implementation of the method into the development infrastructure of automotive engineering is presented. A first step validation using simple flat coupon specimen simulations shows reasonable results and proves the applicability of the method.
Dlugosch, M.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMIFraunhofer-Institut für Kurzzeitdynamik, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI