Journal Article
Entwicklung und Implementierung der Datenplattform GeMuKi-Assist im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „Gemeinsam gesund: Vorsorge plus für Mutter und Kind“
Other Title
Development and implementation of the data platform GeMuKi-Assist within the research project "Healthy together: prevention plus for mother and child"
Hintergrund: Das Forschungsprojekt "Gemeinsam gesund: Vorsorge plus für Mutter und Kind" (GeMuKi) will die fachübergreifende Gesundheitsberatung für Schwangere und junge Eltern stärken. Für die Durchführung dieser innovativen und komplexen Intervention wurde eine eigene Datenplattform (GeMuKi-Assist) mit digitalen Anwendungen für die beteiligten Fachakteure, Teilnehmerinnen und Studienkoordinatorinnen entwickelt. Methodik: In diesem Beitrag werden die zentralen Nutzeranforderungen an die Datenplattform GeMuKi-Assist sowie ihre Integration in den Beratungsablauf und Studienprozess beschrieben. Einleitend wird die Funktionsweise der Plattform dargestellt. Im Anschluss werden erste Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren im Umgang mit der Datenplattform während ihrer Nutzung in der GeMuKi-Studie beleuchtet. Dazu wurden Fragebogenerhebungen mit den Studienkoordinatorinnen und (Telefon‑)Interviews mit Fachakteuren und Studienteilnehmerinnen durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Die GeMuKi-App für die Motivation der Schwangeren und jungen Mütter zur Änderung des individuellen Lebensstils wurde gut angenommen. Die Durchführung der Befragung über die App wurde von den Teilnehmerinnen positiv bewertet. Die Anforderung, das Projektteam beim Datenmanagement zu unterstützen, konnte sehr gut umgesetzt werden. Vor allem die Administrationsoberfläche für die Studienkoordinatorinnen ist als innovativ zu betrachten. Bei einigen Fachakteuren ließen sich Vorbehalte gegenüber dem Dokumentieren in zusätzlichen digitalen Datenplattformen feststellen, was mit der begrenzten zeitlichen Kapazität im Praxisalltag, mit Sicherheitsbedenken und mit einem Mangel an Erfahrung bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien zu begründen ist. Schlussfolgerung: Durch die Implementierung und Nutzung der Datenplattform GeMuKi-Assist konnten die wesentlichen Projektanforderungen umgesetzt werden. Auf Basis der Rückmeldungen von Ärzten und medizinischen Fachakteuren wäre für zukünftige Forschungsprojekte eine tiefere Integration der Funktionen von GeMuKi-Assist in die bestehenden Praxissoftwaresysteme wünschenswert.
Background: The research project “Healthy together: prevention plus for mother and child” (GeMuKi) aims to strengthen interdisciplinary health counselling for pregnant women and young parents. In order to support this innovative and complex intervention, a data platform (GeMuKi-Assist) for healthcare providers, participants and study coordinators was developed.
Methods: This article describes the most important user requirements for the GeMuKi-Assist data platform and its integration into the intervention and study. In addition, first experiences including challenges and success factors during the usage of the data platform within the GeMuKi study are highlighted. The GeMuKi-Assist consists of several components. Using the GeMuKi-Assist data platform healthcare providers are able to document health-related data from the medical record booklets of mothers and children as well as information on the counselling process. They also enter lifestyle goals on which healthcare providers and participating women have jointly agreed. An app is provided for all women to fill in questionnaires during pregnancy and after birth. On this app, women also receive reminders to work on their goals. Study coordinators are provided with an administrative tool to check whether counselling has taken place and questionnaires have been filled in.
Results: The use of the GeMuKi app for motivating pregnant women and young mothers to change their individual lifestyles was well accepted. The implementation of the surveys via the mobile app was positively evaluated by the participants. The requirement to support the project team in data management was very well implemented. Especially the administrative tool for study coordinators can be considered as innovative. The organization of the questionnaire delivery was uncomplicated to implement using the administration tool. Nevertheless, healthcare providers express reservations about documenting health-related data in additional digital data platforms, which can be explained by the limited time in everyday practice, security concerns and a lack of experience in using digital media. Conclusion: In summary, it can be stated that most of the essential project requirements could be realized by the implementation and usage of the GeMuKi-Assist data platform. Based on feedback from doctors and medical professionals a deeper integration of the GeMuKi-Assist-specific features (e.g., goal reminders and questionnaires) with already existing established pregnancy apps or medical documentation systems would be desirable for future research projects.
Methods: This article describes the most important user requirements for the GeMuKi-Assist data platform and its integration into the intervention and study. In addition, first experiences including challenges and success factors during the usage of the data platform within the GeMuKi study are highlighted. The GeMuKi-Assist consists of several components. Using the GeMuKi-Assist data platform healthcare providers are able to document health-related data from the medical record booklets of mothers and children as well as information on the counselling process. They also enter lifestyle goals on which healthcare providers and participating women have jointly agreed. An app is provided for all women to fill in questionnaires during pregnancy and after birth. On this app, women also receive reminders to work on their goals. Study coordinators are provided with an administrative tool to check whether counselling has taken place and questionnaires have been filled in.
Results: The use of the GeMuKi app for motivating pregnant women and young mothers to change their individual lifestyles was well accepted. The implementation of the surveys via the mobile app was positively evaluated by the participants. The requirement to support the project team in data management was very well implemented. Especially the administrative tool for study coordinators can be considered as innovative. The organization of the questionnaire delivery was uncomplicated to implement using the administration tool. Nevertheless, healthcare providers express reservations about documenting health-related data in additional digital data platforms, which can be explained by the limited time in everyday practice, security concerns and a lack of experience in using digital media. Conclusion: In summary, it can be stated that most of the essential project requirements could be realized by the implementation and usage of the GeMuKi-Assist data platform. Based on feedback from doctors and medical professionals a deeper integration of the GeMuKi-Assist-specific features (e.g., goal reminders and questionnaires) with already existing established pregnancy apps or medical documentation systems would be desirable for future research projects.
Gemeinsam gesund: Vorsorge plus für Mutter und Kind
Neue Versorgungsformen
Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss -G-BA-