Journal Article
Rationelle Energieverwendung
Title Supplement
Ein Literaturüberblick des Jahres 2004
Other Title
Annual survey. Efficient use of energy
Wie schon im Berichtsjahr 2003 [1] spielten die Vorbereitungen auf den EU-weiten Handel mit Emissionsrechten auch im Jahr 2004 eine wichtige Rolle. Die Primärenergieintensität sank temperaturbereinigt um etwa 0,7 %. Demgegenüber nahm der Stromeinsatz um 0,7 % zu.
A survey covers efficient energy use considerations in Germany in 2004. As in the annual survey for 2003, the preparations for EU-wide trade in emissions rights played a significant role in 2004. The intensity of primary energy use dropped 0.7% in Germany because of the milder weather. However, the use of electricity increased 0.7%. A discussion covers the introduction; general development of energy intensity; change in structure; Kyoto protocol going into force and start of the trade in emissions; efficient use of energy in industry (chemical, iron, minerals, non-ferrous, glass, and paper industries); cross sectional technologies; power and heat coupling (KWK); efficient use of materials as part of an energy-efficient strategy; the need for energy in office buildings; and Trend 2005. In 2004, primary energy use in Germany was 14,438 PJ, slightly less than in 2003 at 14, 451 PJ. Because the gross domestic product in 2004 increased by 1.7%, the primary energy intensity decreased by 1.7% at first glance but the price of fuel oil increased and the weather was milder in 2004 so the energy intensity decreased slightly by 0.7%. In 2004, the use of gasoline dropped 2.3% to 25.2 million ton and use of diesel fuel increased by 3.6%. The use of motor fuels in Germany increased for the first time in 4 yr by 1% to 54.1 million ton. In the last 30 yr, the vehicle weight of the same vehicle type and in the vehicle fleet has increased by over 30% and with this almost all efficiencies made in engine and transmission engineering, and air and rolling resistance have been nullified. Production in the chemical industry as estimated by the Verband der Chemischen Industrie eV increased in 2004 by 1.5-2% overcoming the stagnation of 2003. For petrochemicals, the production index increased by 0.5%.