Journal Article
Justifying the thin-crystal approximation in spontaneous parametric down-conversion for collinear phase matching
Spatially engineered photons from spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) are a valuable tool for studying and applying photonic entanglement. An advantage of SPDC is that simple expressions for the two-photon state can be obtained using justified approximations. In particular, the thin-crystal approximation has often been invoked in the engineering of high-dimensional entangled states. Knowledge of the conditions under which the thin-crystal approximation remains valid is essential for the realization of experimental setups. We provide a quantitative guideline on the validity of the thin-crystal approximation in calculating the two-photon spatial state. In particular, we show that the applicability of this regime is related to the focusing parameter w¯p=wp/SRlpL, where wp and lp are the beam waist and wavelength of the pump beam, respectively, and L is the length of the nonlinear crystal. Additionally, the validity of the thin-crystal regime is investigated concerning the size of a subspace in the Laguerre Gaussian basis, into which the two-photon state can be projected in a given experiment.