Conference Paper
Der standardisierte Lastablauf CARLOS
Other Title
The standardized load sequence CARLOS
Standardized load-time histories are used since servohydraulic testing was introduced to facilitate the comparison of the test results. Standardized load time histories were developed already e.g. for components of aircraft helicopters, offshore structures, windturbines. In a joint venture of two institutes (LBF, IABG), ten European car manufacturers and two manufacturers of servohydraulic testing equipment three standardized loadtime histories for components of front wheel suspensions of passenger cars were developed (CARLOS-vertical, -lateral, -longitudinal). These standards were based upon measurements with ten cars on public roads, (about 6000 km), measurements of maximum loading conditions on proving grounds, and agreements of all participating parties about the mission profile. The load-time histories are generated with rainflow reconstitutions and a servicelike mixture of different road conditions. To reduce testing time small load cycles were omitted. The standardized load-hist ories are stored as sequences of peaks and troughs on digital magnetic tape which is available on request. (-z-)