Conference Paper
Rapid Manufacturing - chances and risks for small and medium size enterprises
Other Title
Rapid Manufacturing - Chancen und Risiken für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen
Additive processes that generate parts in a layered way have a history for more than 15 years. The continuous development of Rapid Prototyping has proved that commercial systems can be used to efficiently produce quantities even up to 10000. This area goes by the name of Rapid Manufacturing (RM). Although the economical impact is still modest we believe that there is a high potential in use of the additive proccesses to direct fabrication of parts and components. In our opinion, Rapid Manufacturing Technologies are about to become an indispensable device in client-oriented production, also for small and medium-sized enterprises. To prove this assumption, the Fraunhofer IPA is making a survey that especially focuses on chances and risks of Rapid Manufacturing for small and medium-sized enterprises. The study was arranged within the framework of GARPA (Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations) Germany and the help of NC Gesellschaft e.V. (Ulm). The goal was to recognise trends in order to establish the technologies in manufacturing companies.