Conference Paper
Design and evaluation of an exergame for motor-cognitive training and fall prevention in older adults
Exergames have emerged as a strategy to promote physical activity and cognitive tasks through entertainment, being a promising solution for multicomponent training and fall prevention in older adults. Even though seniors may enjoy playing, game design is often not suited to this age group, which hinders interaction and user experience. Therefore, we developed a motion-based interactive game for motor-cognitive training in older adults, based on typical exergames, dance and Tai Chi. New forms of interaction based on inertial sensors and movement were included and tested with eight older adults in multiple sessions, during which usability and user experience were evaluated. People found the exergame fun, even though some challenges related to interaction were reported. Despite the challenges, people learned how to use the system and interaction has gradually became easier. In-game strategies to support interaction are required to encourage autonomous use devoid of supervision.