Journal Article
Selective targeting of green fluorescent nanodiamond conjugates to mitochondria in HeLa cells
Fluorescent cellular biomarkers play a prominent role in biosciences. Most of the available biomarkers have some drawbacks due to either physical and optical or cytotoxic properties. In view of this, we investigated the potential of green fluorescent nanodiamonds as biomarkers in living cells. Nanodiamonds were functionalized by attaching antibodies that target intracellular structures such as actin filaments and mitochondria. Then, the nanodiamond conjugates were transfected into HeLa cells. Transfections were mediated by 4(th)-generation dendrimers, cationic liposomes and prolamine sulfate. Using fluorescence microscopy, we confirmed successful transfections of the nanodiamonds into HeLa cells. Nanodiamond fluorescence could be easily differentiated from cellular autofluorescence. Furthermore, nanodiamonds could be targeted selectively to intracellular structures. Therefore, nanodiamonds are a promising tool for intracellular assays.