Conference Paper
Test of basic co-simulation algorithms using FMI
Since the FMI technology gains ground in industrial environment, the demand for robust co-simulation increases. In a master-slave concept the master algorithms define the quality of a co-simulation whereas the properties of the coupled FMUs for co-simulation restrict the variety of possible master algorithms. In this paper an existing experimental master tool with three basic master algorithms was improved to support FMI2.0 as well as 1.0. For testing more than 20 Modelica examples were developed from which FMUs for cosimulation were generated by established simulation tools (e.g., Dymola, SimulationX). The examples demonstrate differences of the three master algorithms. Recommendations for tearing as well as improving the master algorithms are given.
Petridis, Kosmas
Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering, Robert-Bosch-Campus 1, Renningen, Germany