Conference Paper
Controlled environments for VOC-sensitive manufacturing processes: From material classification to controlled IAQ in cleanrooms
Materials implemented in controlled environments need to be assessed for VOC emissions and classified in order to permit direct comparisons to be made and to select material without any emission of process critical contaminations, such as phthalates, siloxanes and organophosphates. The newly described method uses a holistic approach. First, emission testing is done using a micro chamber and analysis via thermodesorption coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The resulting material classification enables a material selection already in the planning phase of a cleanroom. Then a simulation model for cleanroom settings enables the user to estimate the expected VOC-level of the environment to be constructed depending on the selected materials. Two different cleanroom settings (Space technology and research cleanrooms) were planned and built for low VOC concentration using classified materials depending on their outdoor environment. The final VOC concentration is verified to the prior defined specifications.
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