Conference Paper
Execution of UTP test cases using fUML
The UML Testing Profile (UTP) is a standardized modeling language that offers concepts relevant to specify test cases, test data and even entire test automation architectures including test environments. Just recently in June 2018, the OMG adopted the official version 2.0 of UTP. It was primarily designed to support both manual and automated activities of the dynamic test process, in particular the design and specification of test cases, test data and test suites. Basically, such UTP-based test specifications remain on a platformindependent level and leave it open how the test cases shall be executed in the end. In this paper, we describe an approach to executing UTP test cases via the executable UML standards fUML and PSCS. Therefore, we map platform-independent UTP test cases, expressed as Interactions, into executable fUML test cases for eventual execution against fUML systems. It is a first step towards an executable representation of UTP.