March 15, 2024
Paper (Preprint, Research Paper, Review Paper, White Paper, etc.)
Bias Control and Linearization of the Transfer Function of Electro-optic and Acousto-optic Modulators
Title Supplement
Published on arXiv
In several types of quantum computers light is one of the main tools to control both the position and the quantum state of the atoms used for computing. In practical systems laser light is applied to manipulate quantum states of qubits in the desired way. Beside physical effects like decoherence and quantum noise the precision of qubit manipulation has a significant impact on the achievable quantum computing error rate. One of the key optical components beside the laser is the optical modulator, which modulates or switches a constant power laser light in order to provide light pulses or pulse sequences with a desired envelope. Acousto-optic (AOM) and electro-optic (EOM) modulators can be applied, which are both voltage controlled. However, there is neither a simple linear relationship between their control signal and the precise modulator output, nor can they be considered to have time-invariant characteristics. The aim of this paper is to describe techniques to generate AOM and EOM control signals in such a way that almost arbitrary target output waveforms (i. e. optical power versus time) are achieved with high accuracy.
MQV Neutral-Atom Quantum Computing Demonstrator (MUNIQC-Atoms) - Teilvorhaben: Echtzeitfähige Ansteuerung und Regelung optischer Modulatoren