Book Article
eLearning in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung
eLearning will probably transform the vocational education system seen as a whole in much the same way that "eBusiness" has already transformed the entire economy. However eLearning will not replace other training instruments, but will rather qualitatively complement them. But the expectations that were raised several years ago through analyses of potentials have to date been only partially met on the basis of current experience. The preparation, representation and quality of the eLearning content make up the decisive success factors for both facilitators as well as the learners, and there is still considerable potential for development in these areas. eLearning will only then be able to assert itself in the long term in everyday operational life as well, when acceptance and implementation is ensured and the eLearning courses provide all concerned with the desired added value. In order for this to be achieved there is a requirement for firstly, a significantly more detailed insight into the embedding of learning processes in the habitual or working world, and secondly for instruments, which ensure the quality of eLearning content during its creation or application. Not until these hurdles are cleared will eLearning be able to develop its potential for vocational and further training.