Conference Paper
Manga: Manufacturable GaN SiC substrates and GaN epi wafer supply chain
Manga (Manufacturable GaN: SiC substrates and GaN epi wafers supply chain) is a five nations (Germany, France, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom) program performed under the umbrella of the European Defense Agency (EDA). As a main aim the European capacity for an industrial production of high quality 100-mm semi-insulating SiC substrates has been shown. The achieved quality of the material has been validated by the GaN HEMT and MMIC foundry partners within the program. Results regarding transistor performance, reliability and the status of industrialization achieved in the Manga program are described. In addition, substantial progress has been made in the growing and processing of advanced InAlNbased HEMT structures for high-frequency applications. Well recognized research institutes from European universities have contributed with their expertise in detailed characterization of deep levels and parasitic effects in GaN HEMT devices in order to improve substrate quality and epitaxial growth conditions. The consortium is now planning for a follow-on project focusing on further substrate improvement, the qualification of an industrial European epi-wafer supplier as well as reliability aspects and advanced materials.