Conference Paper
Compact 3D imaging radar based on FMCW driven frequency-scanning antennas
In this paper the development of a wearable 3D FMCW radar sensor system for firefighters to enhance eyesight in smoky surroundings during hazardous situations is described. In order to obtain a real-time capable, small and lightweight sensor, two orthogonal oriented frequency-scanning meander-line antennas are combined with small broadband 57 GHz to 63 GHz FMCW radar-modules. This arrangement is used to scan both directions, azimuth and elevation, in a fast time-multiplexed mode. The gathered time-domain datasets for both scanning directions are transferred to 2D projections. A following data-processing step merges both of these orthogonal images into a 3D-image of the monitored area. As no mechanical parts are involved, this very simple 2 Channel radar concept is suitable for a high degree of miniaturization. Integration of the whole system into a wearable system deployable for a broad field of applications in security and defense seems to be feasible.