Conference Paper
The HHI broad-band fiber-optic communications system at various European PCM hierarchy levels: Status of development and preliminary experimental results
An experimental system of an integrated broadband communications network with fiber-optic transmission links at bit rates of 8 Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s, 140 Mbit/s, 280 Mbit/s and 560 Mbit/s using light wavelengths of 800 nm to 900 nm is going to be realized in the Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) at West-Berlin in cooperation with the West-German communication industry. In addition, a 1.12-Gbit/s fiber-optic transmission link has been realized by the HHI itself. This paper reports first: the concepts of the optical links in the experimental system operating at bit rates of 8 Mbit/s to 560 Mbit/s, and second: the experimental results of the realized 1.12-Gbit/s transmission link, e.g. bit-error-rate and subjective transmission quality of 16 simultaneous 70-Mbit/s TV-channels.