Conference Paper
Potential der 3D-Röntgen-Computertomografie zur Visualisierung volumetrischer Fehler in Werkstoffen und Bauteilen
Due to their advantageous physical properties modern materials, e.g. composites or ceramics, are of great interest for the industrial production of components. The development of production tehcniques which meet the high requirements of defectless prodution is decisive to ensure sufficient reliability and high quality of the products. Nondestructive testing can contribute an essential part to optimize production processes for thigh quality products. Due to one characteristics of many materials - small defects in the µm rangecan lead to failure - the application of nondestructive testing methods with a high spatial resolution cabability is required. One method to inspect the whole volume 3D X-Ray Computer Tomography (3D-CT), is presented in this contribution. Besides the principles of 3D-CT, the set-up of our system we will present some results of applications which will demonstrate the portential of the 3D-CT as a nondestructive testing method.