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Combining Machine Learning and Simulation to a Hybrid Modelling Approach: Current and Future Directions

2020 , Rüden, Laura von , Mayer, Sebastian , Sifa, Rafet , Bauckhage, Christian , Garcke, Jochen

In this paper, we describe the combination of machine learning and simulation towards a hybrid modelling approach. Such a combination of data-based and knowledge-based modelling is motivated by applications that are partly based on causal relationships, while other effects result from hidden dependencies that are represented in huge amounts of data. Our aim is to bridge the knowledge gap between the two individual communities from machine learning and simulation to promote the development of hybrid systems. We present a conceptual framework that helps to identify potential combined approaches and employ it to give a structured overview of different types of combinations using exemplary approaches of simulation-assisted machine learning and machine-learning assisted simulation. We also discuss an advanced pairing in the context of Industry 4.0 where we see particular further potential for hybrid systems. In this paper, we describe the combination of machine learning and simulation towards a hybrid modelling approach. Such a combination of data-based and knowledge-based modelling is motivated by applications that are partly based on causal relationships, while other effects result from hidden dependencies that are represented in huge amounts of data. Our aim is to bridge the knowledge gap between the two individual communities from machine learning and simulation to promote the development of hybrid systems. We present a conceptual framework that helps to identify potential combined approaches and employ it to give a structured overview of different types of combinations using exemplary approaches of simulation-assisted machine learning and machine-learning assisted simulation. We also discuss an advanced pairing in the context of Industry 4.0 where we see particular further potential for hybrid systems.

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Informed Machine Learning - A Taxonomy and Survey of Integrating Knowledge into Learning Systems

2019-03-29 , Rüden, Laura von , Mayer, Sebastian , Beckh, Katharina , Georgiev, Bogdan , Giesselbach, Sven , Heese, Raoul , Kirsch, Birgit , Pfrommer, Julius , Pick, Annika , Ramamurthy, Rajkumar , Schuecker, Jannis , Garcke, Jochen , Bauckhage, Christian , Walczak, Michal

Despite its great success, machine learning can have its limits when dealing with insufficient training data. A potential solution is the additional integration of prior knowledge into the training process, which leads to the notion of informed machine learning. In this paper, we present a structured overview of various approaches in this field. First, we provide a definition and propose a concept for informed machine learning, which illustrates its building blocks and distinguishes it from conventional machine learning. Second, we introduce a taxonomy that serves as a classification framework for informed machine learning approaches. It considers the source of knowledge, its representation, and its integration into the machine learning pipeline. Third, we survey related research and describe how different knowledge representations such as algebraic equations, logic rules, or simulation results can be used in learning systems. This evaluation of numerous papers on the basis of our taxonomy uncovers key methods in the field of informed machine learning.

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Shells within Minimum Enclosing Balls

2020 , Bauckhage, Christian , Bortz, Michael , Sifa, Rafet

Addressing the general problem of data clustering, we propose to group the elements of a data set with respect to their location within their minimum enclosing ball. In particular, we propose to cluster data according to their distance to the center of a kernel minimum enclosing ball. Focusing on kernel minimum enclosing balls which are computed in abstract feature spaces reveals latent structures within a data set and allows for applying our ideas to non-numeric data. Results obtained on image-, text-, and graph-data illustrate the behavior and practical utility of our approach.

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RatVec: A General Approach for Low-dimensional Distributed Vector Representations via Rational Kernels

2019 , Brito, Eduardo , Georgiev, Bogdan , Domingo-Fernández, Daniel , Hoyt, Charles Tapley , Bauckhage, Christian

We present a general framework, RatVec, for learning vector representations of non-numeric entities based on domain-specific similarity functions interpreted as rational kernels. We show competitive performance using k-nearest neighbors in the protein family classification task and in Dutch spelling correction. To promote re-usability and extensibility, we have made our code and pre-trained models available at

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Quantum Machine Learning. Eine Analyse zu Kompetenz, Forschung und Anwendung

2020 , Bauckhage, Christian , Brito, Eduardo , Daase, Inga , Franken, Lukas , Georgiev, Bogdan , Hecker, Dirk , Paschke, Adrian , Piatkowski, Nico , Soddemann, Thomas , Trabold, Daniel

In unserer Studie »Quantum Machine Learning« geben wir einen Einblick in das Quantencomputing, erklären, welche physikalischen Effekte eine Rolle spielen und wie diese dazu genutzt werden, Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens zu beschleunigen. Neben den logischen Komponenten werden auch Techniken für die Implementierung der Hardware von Quantencomputern vorgestellt. Die Studie gibt außerdem einen Überblick über die aktuelle Forschungs- und Kompetenzlandschaft und ordnet die Position Deutschlands im internationalen Wettbewerb ein. Zudem stellt die Studie konkrete Anwendungsbereiche und Marktpotenziale für verschiedene Branchen vor. Denn in den kommenden Jahren werden Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen vor der Herausforderung stehen, neue Markt- und Geschäftspotenziale mithilfe des Quantencomputings zu erarbeiten, um ihre Wertschöpfung zu steigern. Mit dieser Studie möchten wir Akteuren aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft Orientierung bieten und die Potenziale aufzeigen, die schon heute sichtbar sind und in Zukunft in Unternehmen Einsatz finden werden.

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Kognitive Systeme und Robotik

2018 , Bauckhage, Christian , Bauernhansl, Thomas , Beyerer, Jürgen , Garcke, Jochen

Kognitive Systeme können komplexe Prozesse überwachen, analysieren und gewinnen daraus auch die Fähigkeit, in ungeplanten oder unbekannten Situationen richtig zu entscheiden. Fraunhofer-Experten setzen Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens ein, um neue kognitive Funktionen für Roboter und Automatisierungslösungen zu nutzen. Dazu statten sie Systeme mit Technologien aus, die von menschlichen Fähigkeiten inspiriert sind bzw. diese imitieren und optimieren. Der Bericht beschreibt diese Technologien, erläutert aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele und entwirft Szenarien für zukünftige Anwendungsfelder.