Now showing 1 - 10 of 74
  • Publication
    Sensor-based characterization of construction and demolition waste at high occupancy densities using synthetic training data and deep learning
    Sensor-based monitoring of construction and demolition waste (CDW) streams plays an important role in recycling (RC). Extracted knowledge about the composition of a material stream helps identifying RC paths, optimizing processing plants and form the basis for sorting. To enable economical use, it is necessary to ensure robust detection of individual objects even with high material throughput. Conventional algorithms struggle with resulting high occupancy densities and object overlap, making deep learning object detection methods more promising. In this study, different deep learning architectures for object detection (Region-based CNN/Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN), You only look once (YOLOv3), Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD)) are investigated with respect to their suitability for CDW characterization. A mixture of brick and sand-lime brick is considered as an exemplary waste stream. Particular attention is paid to detection performance with increasing occupancy density and particle overlap. A method for the generation of synthetic training images is presented, which avoids time-consuming manual labelling. By testing the models trained on synthetic data on real images, the success of the method is demonstrated. Requirements for synthetic training data composition, potential improvements and simplifications of different architecture approaches are discussed based on the characteristic of the detection task. In addition, the required inference time of the presented models is investigated to ensure their suitability for use under real-time conditions.
  • Publication
    A survey of the state of the art in sensor-based sorting technology and research
    Sensor-based sorting describes a family of systems that enable the removal of individual objects from a material stream. The technology is widely used in various industries such as agriculture, food, mining, and recycling. Examples of sorting tasks include the removal of fungus-infested grains, the enrichment of copper content in copper mining or the sorting of plastic waste according to the type of plastic. Sorting decisions are made based on information acquired by one or more sensors. A particular strength of the technology is the flexibility in sorting decisions, which is achieved by using various sensors and programming the data analysis. However, a comprehensive understanding of the process is necessary for the development of new sorting systems that can address previously unresolved tasks. This survey is aimed at innovative researchers and practitioners who are unfamiliar with sensor-based sorting or have only encountered certain aspects of the overall process. The references provided serve as starting points for further exploration of specific topics.
  • Publication
    Particle-Specific Deflection Windows for Optical Sorting by Uncertainty Quantification
    ( 2024)
    Reith-Braun, Marcel
    Liang, Kevin
    Pfaff, Florian
    ; ;
    Bauer, Albert
    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
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    Hanebeck, Uwe D.
    In current state of the art sensor-based sorting systems, the length of the deflection windows, i.e., the period of nozzle activation and the number of nozzles to be activated, is commonly determined solely by the size of the particles. However, this comes at the cost of the sorting process not accounting for model discrepancies between actual and presumed particle motion, as well as for situations where the available information does not allow for precise determination of nozzle activations. To achieve a desired sorting accuracy, in practice, one is therefore usually forced to enlarge the deflection window to a certain degree, which increases the number of falsely co-deflected particles and compressed air consumption. In this paper, we propose incorporating the uncertainty of the prediction of particle motion of each individual particle into the determination of the deflection windows. The method is based on the predictive tracking approach for optical sorting, which tracks the particles while they move toward the nozzle array based on images of an area-scan camera. Given the extracted motion information from the tracking, we propose an approximation for the distribution of arrival time and location of the particle at the nozzle array assuming nearly constant-velocity or nearly constantacceleration particle motion behavior. By evaluating the quantile function of both distributions, we obtain a confidence interval for the arrival time and location based on prediction uncertainty, which we then combine with the particle size to form the final deflection window. We apply our method to a real sorting task using a pilot-scale chute sorter. Our results obtained from extensive sorting trials show that sorting accuracies can be remarkably improved compared with state-of-the-art industrial sorters and enhanced even further compared with predictive tracking while having the potential to reduce compressed air consumption.
  • Publication
    A Concept Study for Feature Extraction and Modeling for Grapevine Yield Prediction
    ( 2024)
    Huber, Florian
    Hofmann, Benedikt
    Engler, Hannes
    Gauweiler, Pascal
    Herzog, Katja
    Kicherer, Anna
    Töpfer, Reinhard
    Steinhage, Volker
    Yield prediction in viticulture is an especially challenging research direction within the field of yield prediction. The characteristics that determine annual grapevine yields are plentiful, difficult to obtain, and must be captured multiple times throughout the year. The processes currently used in grapevine yield prediction are based mainly on manually captured data and rigid statistical measures derived from historical insights. Experts for data acquisition are scarce, and statistical models cannot meet the requirements of a changing environment, especially in times of climate change. This paper contributes a concept on how to overcome those drawbacks, by (1) proposing a deep learning driven approach for feature recognition and (2) explaining how Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) can be utilized for yield prediction based on those features, while being explainable and computationally inexpensive. The methods developed will be influential for the future of yield prediction in viticulture.
  • Publication
    Utilizing multispectral imaging for improved weed and crop detection
    Conventional agriculture relies heavily on herbicides for weed control. Smart farming, particularly through the use of mechanical weed control systems, has the potential to reduce the herbicide usage and the associated negative impact on our environment. The growing accessibility of multispectral cameras in recent times poses the question if their added expenses justify the potential advantages they offer. In this study we compare the weed and crop detection performance between RGB and multispectral VIS-NIR imaging data. Therefore, we created and annotated a multispectral instance segmentation dataset for sugar beet crop and weed detection. We trained Mask-RCNN models on the RGB images and on images composed of different vegetation indices calculated from the multispectral data. The outcomes are thoroughly analysed and compared across various scenarios. Our findings indicate that the use of vegetation indices can significantly improve the weed detection performance in many situations.
  • Publication
    Non-destructive quantification of key quality characteristics in individual grapevine berries using near-infrared spectroscopy
    ( 2024)
    Cornehl, Lucie
    Gauweiler, Pascal
    Zheng, Xiaorong
    Schwander, Florian
    Töpfer, Reinhard
    Kicherer, Anna
    It is crucial for winegrowers to make informed decisions about the optimum time to harvest the grapes to ensure the production of premium wines. Global warming contributes to decreasing acidity and increasing sugar levels in grapes, resulting in bland wines with high contents of alcohol. Predicting quality in viticulture is thus pivotal. To assess the average ripeness, typically a sample of one hundred berries representative for the entire vineyard is collected. However, this process, along with the subsequent detailed must analysis, is time consuming and expensive. This study focusses on predicting essential quality parameters like sugar and acid content in Vitis vinifera (L.) varieties ‘Chardonnay’, ‘Riesling’, ‘Dornfelder’, and ‘Pinot Noir’. A small near-infrared spectrometer was used measuring non-destructively in the wavelength range from 1 100 nm to 1 350 nm while the reference contents were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. Chemometric models were developed employing partial least squares regression and using spectra of all four grapevine varieties, spectra gained from berries of the same colour, or from the individual varieties. The models exhibited high accuracy in predicting main quality-determining parameters in independent test sets. On average, the model regression coefficients exceeded 93% for the sugars fructose and glucose, 86% for malic acid, and 73% for tartaric acid. Using these models, prediction accuracies revealed the ability to forecast individual sugar contents within an range of ± 6.97 g/L to ± 10.08 g/L, and malic acid within ± 2.01 g/L to ± 3.69 g/L. This approach indicates the potential to develop robust models by incorporating spectra from diverse grape varieties and berries of different colours. Such insight is crucial for the potential widespread adoption of a handheld near-infrared sensor, possibly integrated into devices used in everyday life, like smartphones. A server-side and cloud-based solution for pre-processing and modelling could thus avoid pitfalls of using near-infrared sensors on unknown varieties and in diverse wine-producing regions.
  • Publication
    Development of multilevel monitoring systems for the identification of phytoplasma diseases in German viticultural areas
    ( 2023)
    Jarausch, Barbara
    Alisaac, Elias
    Schumacher, Petra
    Gauweiler, Pascal
    Zabawa, Laura
    Klingbeil, Lasse
    Rechkemmer, Sonja
    Jarausch, Wolfgang
    Maixner, Michael
    Kicherer, Anna
    "Flavescence dorée" (FD) and "bois noir" (BN) are the most important phytoplasma diseases of grapevine. While BN is widespread in German winegrowing regions, only one single grapevine plant infected with FD phytoplasma has been reported and eradicated in 2020. Although the main vector of FD, Scaphoideus titanus, is not present in Germany, the FD phytoplasma is classified as quarantine pest because of its epidemic potential and a systematic monitoring of the disease and the vector is mandatory in Germany. Furthermore, a non-epidemic strain Palatinate grapevine yellows (PGY), with the same symptomatology as FD and BN is present in Germany. For large scale monitoring digital multilevel monitoring systems for grapevine yellows (GY) are being developed. Reference plots with infection by either BN or PGY in risk zones in southwestern Germany and Württemberg have been visually monitored and symptomatic grapevines were analysed by molecular means. In parallel, the same samples were examined with different sensor-based methods to define a correlation between phytoplasma presence and specific spectral signatures. A spectral distinction to similar symptoms due to virus infection, insect damage, and nutritional deficiencies was investigated for the system validation.
  • Publication
    Benchmarking a DEM‐CFD Model of an Optical Belt Sorter by Experimental Comparison
    ( 2023)
    Bauer, Albert
    Reith-Braun, Marcel
    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Pfaff, Florian
    Hanebeck, Uwe
    A DEM-CFD (discrete element method - computational fluid dynamics) model of an optical belt sorter was extensively compared with experiments of a laboratory-scale sorter to assess the model's accuracy. Brick and sand-lime brick were considered as materials. First, the transport characteristics on the conveyor belt, involving mass flow, lateral particle distribution and proximity, were compared. Second, sorting results were benchmarked for varying mixture proportions at differing mass flows. It was found that the numerical model is able to reproduce the experimental results with high accuracy.
  • Publication
    Determination of Sugars and Acids in Grape Must Using Miniaturized Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
    ( 2023)
    Cornehl, Lucie
    Zheng, Xiaorong
    Gauweiler, Pascal
    Schwander, Florian
    Töpfer, Reinhard
    Kicherer, Anna
    An automatic determination of grape must ingredients during the harvesting process would support cellar logistics and enables an early termination of the harvest if quality parameters are not met. One of the most important quality-determining characteristics of grape must is its sugar and acid content. Among others, the sugars in particular determine the quality of the must and wine. Chiefly in wine cooperatives, in which a third of all German winegrowers are organized, these quality characteristics serve as the basis for payment. They are acquired upon delivery at the cellar of the cooperative or the winery and result in the acceptance or rejection of grapes and must. The whole process is very time-consuming and expensive, and sometimes grapes that do not meet the quality requirements for sweetness, acidity, or healthiness are destroyed or not used at all, which leads to economic loss. Near-infrared spectroscopy is now a widely used technique to detect a wide variety of ingredients in biological samples. In this study, a miniaturized semi-automated prototype apparatus with a near-infrared sensor and a flow cell was used to acquire spectra (1100 nm to 1350 nm) of grape must at defined temperatures. Data of must samples from four different red and white Vitis vinifera (L.) varieties were recorded throughout the whole growing season of 2021 in Rhineland Palatinate, Germany. Each sample consisted of 100 randomly sampled berries from the entire vineyard. The contents of the main sugars (glucose and fructose) and acids (malic acid and tartaric acid) were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography. Chemometric methods, using partial least-square regression and leave-one-out cross-validation, provided good estimates of both sugars (RMSEP = 6.06 g/L, R2 = 89.26%), as well as malic acid (RMSEP = 1.22 g/L, R2 = 91.10%). The coefficient of determination (R2) was comparable for glucose and fructose with 89.45% compared to 89.08%, respectively. Although tartaric acid was predictable for only two of the four varieties using near-infrared spectroscopy, calibration and validation for malic acid were accurate for all varieties in an equal extent like the sugars. These high prediction accuracies for the main quality determining grape must ingredients using this miniaturized prototype apparatus might enable an installation on a grape harvester in the future.
  • Publication
    GridSort: Image-based Optical Bulk Material Sorting Using Convolutional LSTMs
    ( 2023)
    Reith-Braun, Marcel
    Bauer, Albert
    Staab, Maximilian
    Pfaff, Florian
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    Kruggel-Emden, Harald
    Hanebeck, Uwe D.
    Optical sorters separate particles of different classes by first detecting them while they are transported, e.g., on a conveyor belt, and subsequently bursting out particles of undesired classes using compressed air nozzles. Currently, the most promising results are achieved by predictive tracking, a multitarget tracking approach based on extracted midpoints from area-scan camera images that analyzes the particles’ motion and activates the nozzles accordingly. However, predictive tracking requires expert knowledge for setup and preceding object detection. Moreover, particle shapes are only considered implicitly, and the need to solve an association problem rises the computational complexity of the algorithm. In this paper, we present GridSort, an image-based approach that forecasts the scene at the nozzle array using a convolutional long short-term memory neural network and subsequently extracts nozzle activations, thus circumventing the aforementioned weaknesses. We show how GridSort can be trained in an unsupervised fashion and evaluate it using a coupled discrete element–computational fluid dynamics simulation of an optical sorter. We compare our method with predictive tracking in terms of sorting accuracy and demonstrate that it is an easy-to-apply alternative while achieving state-of-the-art results.