Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
  • Publication
    Roll-out of Giga-bit Copper
    ( 2018)
    Hincapie, Daniel
    Leibiger, Mathias
    ; is the latest digital subscriber line (DSL) technology that provides Giga-bit access from the distribution point (DP). Although it promises to satisfy the short and mid-term requirements of internet-based services, providers are not upgrading instantaneously all legacy systems to Instead, the consolidation process is progressive and therefore must minimize the impacts on legacy systems such VDSL2, providing seamless migration and friendly coexistence experience. To achieve this goal, service providers are considering to avoid mutual interference using non-overlapping band-plans. This strategy reduces data rates and coverage, though. A less harmful approach is to allow partial overlapping, but the benefits and spectrum that must be removed to reduce the impact are unknown. In this work, we analyze the performance impact that roll-out conveys when VDSL2 systems served from a cabinet are gradually upgraded to deployed at the DP. We carry out a simulation study to evaluate the mutual performance losses when is first introduced with a low user share in different fiber-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) scenarios. Based on the obtained results, we select representative access network topologies to determine the expected minimum and maximum losses as the user share progressively increases. In order to establish the benefits and drawbacks of implementing band-plans that partially overlap with VDSL2, we evaluate and VDSL2 performance when the operative start frequency of is set along VDSL2 spectrum. We consider in our study both the current version of and its recently proposed long reach (LR) extension that aims to achieve longer coverage range by enabling larger bit-constellation size (Bmax = 12bits) and higher maximum aggregate transmit power (MAXATP = 8dBm). The obtained numerical results are intended to help service providers estimate the impact of on existing VDSL2 systems, as well as its under-performance when they jointly operate indifferent network topologies. So they can evaluate: 1) which FTTC scenarios are eligible for deploying and how much it impacts non-upgraded users; 2) how much performance degradation to expect during the progressive deployment of; and 3) the expected data rate loss for when its spectrum is partially limited, and how much this strategy reduces the impact on VDSL2.
  • Publication
    Kommunikationstechnik für intelligente Messsysteme
    ( 2017)
    Heidrich, Mike
    Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Kommunikation im Smart Grid. Einleitend werden für das Smart Grid vorgesehene intelligente Messsysteme kurz beschrieben. Einen Schwerpunkt des Vortrags bildet die Vorgehensweise bei der Auswahl geeigneter Kommunikationslösungen für das Wide Area Network (WAN). Hierfür werden Kommunikationsszenarien angenommen und unter Berücksichtigung der BSI-Sicherheitsanforderungen (TR 03109-1) analysiert. Abschließend werden Lösungsansätze für die WAN-Kommunikation vorgestellt.
  • Publication
    Technische Umsetzung von Smart Metern
    ( 2017)
    Heidrich, Mike
    Der Beitrag gibt eine Einleitung in intelligente Messsysteme. Als technische Herausforderung wird im Beitrag die Auswahl einer geeigneten Kommunikationslösung im Wide Area Network (WAN) herausgestellt. Hierfür werden die Kommunikationsszenarien, auch unter Berücksichtigung der Sicherheitsanforderungen gemäß BSI TR 03109-1, analysiert. Auf dieser Basis werden Lösungsmöglichkeiten für die WAN-Kommunikation intelligenter Messsysteme diskutiert.
  • Publication
    Resiliente Netze mit Funkzugang
    (VDE, 2017)
    Fettweis, Gerhard P.
    Franchi, Norman
    Bittner, Frank
    Dekorsy, Armin
    Dillinger, Markus
    Dyka, Zoya
    Einsiedler, Hans J.
    Fitzek, Frank
    Glänzer, Martin
    Hentschel, Tim
    Hofmann, Frank
    Hoffmann, Marco
    Irmer, Ralf
    Janßen, Uwe
    ; ;
    Knorr, Rudi
    Kraemer, Rolf
    Kornbichler, Andreas
    Kückelhaus, Markus
    Langendörfer, Peter
    Menges, Georg
    Merz, Peter
    Meyer, Michael
    Mühleisen, Maciej
    Müller, Andreas
    Ruchhaupt, Lutz
    Redana, Simone
    Reinartz, Michael
    Riedl, Johannes
    Schotten, Hans
    Schulz, Dirk
    Schupke, Dominic
    Thümmler, Christoph
    Timm-Giel, Andreas
    Wiebus, Christian
    Willmann, Sarah
    Zimmermann, Gerd
    Die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft und Industrie schreitet unaufhörlich voran, und die Bedeutung des Zugangs zu uneingeschränkter mobiler Vernetzung für unser gesellschaftliches und berufliches Leben nimmt somit ebenfalls stetig zu. Mit der Entwicklung der 5G Mobilfunkgeneration, aber auch echtzeitfähiger lokaler Funknetze werden in Zukunft digitale drahtlose Kommunikationsnetze eine Vielzahl neuer industrieller Anwendungen erschließen und dabei technische Anforderungen erfüllen, die bisher nur durch kabelgebundene Netze erfüllt werden konnten. Die stetige Erhöhung der Datenrate, die Minimierung von Ende-zu-Ende Latenzen zur Erfüllung von Echtzeitanforderungen und die Steigerung der Netzzuverlässigkeit sind aktuell zentrale Forschungsziele und Entwicklungsziele bei der Optimierung von Netzen mit Funkzugang.
  • Publication
    Energy saving potential of adaptive, networked, embedded systems
    ( 2016)
    Heinrich, Patrick
    Knorr, Rudi
    This paper presents and evaluates the energy saving potential of adaptive, networked, embedded systems. The aim is to demonstrate the benefits of modeling the energy demand during the development of such systems. For this purpose, the previous developed energy model is applied within a case study and different allocations of software components are compared. The estimated energy demands of these allocations are presented and discussed. The analyzed system of the case study represents an automotive system which executes two advanced driver assistance applications. The system is adaptive, which means that temporally unnecessary applications will be deactivated. Within the evaluated system this deactivation depends on the vehicle speed, which is derived by the New European Driving Cycle. Two different allocations of software components are evaluated.
  • Publication
    Geeignete Kommunikationssysteme im Verteilnetz
    Herausforderungen der Kommunikation im Verteilnetz; Daten-Traffic durch Smart Metering und EEG-Analgensteuerung; Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Reaktionszeiten; Zukunftsfähigkeit (Performance, Quality, Standards etc.); Kommunikationsprotokolle und Übertragungstechnologien für das Verteilnetz; Bewertung
  • Publication
    Early energy estimation of networked embedded systems executing concurrent software components
    ( 2015)
    Heinrich, Patrick
    Bergler, Hannes
    This paper presents and evaluates a new approach of modeling energy consumption of embedded systems resulted by concurrent software components. The objective is to enable energy estimation within early phases of system development, which allows system designers to compare different allocations of software components within networked systems. The individual elements of the presented model are: energy consumption of software components themselves, energy consumption resulted by any software component, and energy consumption resulted by specific software components. The The developed model was applied within an automotive case study which shows a theoretical energy saving potential of 36.2 %. This demonstrates the potential and relevance of modeling energy estimation within early development phases.
  • Publication
    Early energy estimation of heterogeneous embedded networks within adaptive systems
    ( 2015)
    Heinrich, Patrick
    Gossen, Dietrich
    Knorr, Rudi
    This paper presents and evaluates a new approach of modeling energy consumption of communication within adaptive networked embedded systems. The objective is to enable energy estimation within early phases of system development, which allows system designers to compare different allocations of software components. As networked embedded systems consist of multiple specialized networks (with different protocols and topologies) and are characterized by a high degree of interaction, existing network-centric approaches have significant disadvantages describing entire systems. To overcome this problem a model was created which is based on individual communication connections between software components. This enables technology-transparent mapping to network topologies (across borders of networks) which significantly simplifies the evaluation of different software placements.
  • Publication
    Mehrstufiger Rollout hat mehr Vor- als Nachteile
    Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) hat ein Eckpunktepapier zum Rollout für intelligente Netze vorgelegt. Der Artikel wägt einen einmaligen, flächendeckenden gegen einen mehrstufen Rollout ab.
  • Publication
    Self-learning assessment of communication in distributed embedded systems - a feasibility study
    ( 2014)
    Langer, Falk
    This paper addresses the problem of evaluating the communication behavior of cyber physical systems. An important problem for the validation of the interaction in the distributed system is missing, wrong or incomplete specification. In this paper, the application of a new approach for assessing the communication behavior based on reference traces is presented and evaluated. The benefit of the approach is that it works automatically, with low additional effort and without using any specification. This paper provides a use case in conjunction with a feasibility study to investigate the applicability of a self-learning anomaly detection methodology. The data of the feasibility study are created by applying the described anomaly detection within a real vehicle network.