Schneidmesser fuer landwirtschaftliche Geraete und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung
Other Title
Cutter for agricultural equipment and process for its production
The invention relates to a cutter for harvesting machines, also known as a reaping bar, said cutter having a triangular shape and designed with cutting edges on both sides. Known cutters are only hardened along the cutting edge and thus fail to meet all the requirements under operating conditions. Therefore, in addition to the cutting edges, the material characteristics of other areas must be changed. The change in material characteristics including the hardness penetration depth should be possible using a vacuum process and achieve high productivity. According to the invention, isolated areas other than the cutting edges are hardened by an energy beam, preferably an electron beam, in such a way that said areas assume different or identical material characteristics and hardness penetration depth. The energy transfer field of the energy beam is guided over the cutter in such a way that all areas whose characteristics are changed pass through one process.
Bartel, R.
Schmidt, H.
Reichmann, A.
Mattausch, G.
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