Other Title
Production of adaptronic micro-systems, uses a matrix which contains embedded piezo electric fiber transducers, and control electrodes applied by a transfer carrier to be wholly embedded for use as prepreg modules.
(A2) Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von adaptronischen Mikrosystemen, bei dem ein oder mehrere Wandlerelemente (2) in eine Matrix (1) eingebettet und ein oder mehrere Ansteuerelemente (3) zur Ansteuerung und/oder zum UEbertragen von Signalen der Wandlerelemente (2) auf die Matrix (1) aufgebracht oder in die Matrix (1) eingebracht werden. Das Aufbringen oder Einbringen der Ansteuerelemente (3), auf bzw. in die Matrix (1) erfolgt durch loesbares Verbinden der Ansteuerelemente (3) mit einer ersten Oberflaeche eines Transfertraegers (4), Auf- bzw. Einbringen des Transfertraegers (4) mit den Ansteuerelementen (3) auf bzw. in die Matrix (1) und anschliessendes Abziehen des Transfertraegers (4). Durch das vorliegende Verfahren lassen sich adaptronische Mikrosysteme mit eingebetteten Ansteuerelementen realisieren, die insbesondere fuer die Herstellung von Prepeg-Modulen geeignet sind.
WO 200275824 A UPAB: 20030111 NOVELTY - To produce an adaptronic micro system, one or more piezo electric fiber transducers (2) are embedded in a polymer matrix (1), with one or more control units (3) to control and/or carry signals. The control units are fitted into the matrix by an initial loose mounting on a surface of a transfer carrier (4). The transfer carrier is applied to the matrix, with the surface fitted with control units towards the transducers, and the transfer carrier is peeled off. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - To produce an adaptronic micro system, the transfer carrier is a film, sheet or plate, with an adhesive bond to hold the control units at a surface, with a weaker bonding than the bond between the control units and the matrix. The bonds are modified to hold the control units more strongly at the matrix. When the control units are in place at the matrix, the matrix and/or the control units are given an intermediate hardening. The control units are applied to the transfer carrier by a printing process, ink jet printing or by dispensing. The control units are electrodes, in an inter-digital array, or of an electrically conductive adhesive applied to the transfer carrier and treated with radiation or heat to give a total or partial hardening action. The transfer carrier, with the control electrodes, is pressed mechanically against the matrix, which is then wholly or partially hardened by radiation or heat. The control units can be of conductive film or foil materials, conductive lines or network or grid, or of an intrinsic or extrinsic electrically conductive material. The control units can also be light waveguides. The transducers are piezo electric, magnetostrictive, shape memory alloys or nano tubes. The control units are applied with a direct contact on the transducers. The control connectors, or connectors which can be fitted, are applied by one or more transfer carriers like the control unit application. The transfer carrier is a polymer film, a sheet of felt paper or coated paper. The control units are wholly embedded in the matrix. A number of micro systems (5) are assembled into a stack, and then fully hardened by mechanical pressure and heat. USE - The process is for the production of adaptronic micro systems. ADVANTAGE - The control units are wholly embedded in the matrix, for the production of prepreg modules.
Gesang, T.
Maurieschat, U.
Knaebel, H.
Schaefer, H.
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