Now showing 1 - 10 of 1621
  • Publication
    Coal, power and coal-powered politics in Indonesia
    ( 2022) ;
    Jakob, Michael
    Steckel, Jan C.
    Fünfgeld, Anna
    Indonesia is among the countries with the largest planned coal power capacity additions worldwide, thereby posing a substantial challenge for global climate change mitigation goals. To understand the underlying political drivers, we carry out expert interviews and examine how individual actors and their objectives, as well as the country context, influence energy policy formulation. We find that under President Joko Widodo, energy policy formulation has been driven by the development of public infrastructure, while securing popularity for the presidential election in 2019. State-owned enterprises represent a source of political patronage and are employed to achieve those goals. Diminishing export markets have incentivized the politically well-connected and highly concentrated Indonesian coal industry to lobby for the construction of coal-fired power plants in order to raise domestic demand. There is also a strong incentive to sustain coal mining as a key economic activity, as associated royalties significantly contribute to local and national public budgets. Local pollution and climate change mitigation are of low priority. Despite the government's documented awareness of the energy sector as the biggest contributor to future emissions, climate protection is narrowly framed as a forestry and land-use issue.
  • Publication
    Technische und menschliche Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen - Anforderungen an eine gelingende Inklusion
    ( 2022) ;
    Nierling, Linda
    Maia, Maria
    Die Schaffung einer inklusiven, reflexiven und innovativen Gesellschaft wird in Deutschland aktuell u.a. mit dem Nationalen Aktionsplan zur UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention 2.0 umgesetzt. Dennoch besteht bei der Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen auf praktischer Ebene Verbesserungsbedarf, so existieren bspw. Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz oder den Zugang zu bedarfsgerechten Assistiven Technologien (AT). Diese haben bei der Inklusion eine wichtige Funktion, da sie ihre Benutzer:innen in der alltäglichen Lebensführung oder der Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt unterstützen können. Eine wesentliche Rolle für dieses Unterstützungspotenzial - sowohl für Low- als auch für Hightech-Lösungen - spielen die Zugänglichkeit und die Kosten, aber auch die Akzeptanz von AT, die wesentlich verbessert werden kann, wenn ein nutzerorientierter Design- und Entwicklungsprozess verfolgt wird. Eine verantwortungsvolle Begleitung des Innovationsprozesses ist vor allem auch dann wichtig, wenn es um neue Entwicklungen im Feld der AT, z.B. künstliche Intelligenz, geht. Für eine gelingende Inklusion spielt neben der nutzerorientierten Technikgestaltung auch die staatliche Regulierung eine wichtige Rolle, da so die Einbettung und Nutzung von AT auf der persönlichen Ebene gefördert werden kann. Anhand von zwei Szenarien werden im Kapitel unterschiedliche Zukunftspfade für die Unterstützung der Inklusion durch AT aufgezeigt. Wesentliche Faktoren für die zukünftige Entwicklung sind das gesellschaftliche Klima und die soziale Einbettung technischer Lösungen. Drei Handlungsfelder für eine gelingende Inklusion können abgeleitet werden: 1) Die Bereitstellung sowohl menschlicher und technischer Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten, abgestimmt auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Fähigkeiten, 2) die strategische Priorisierung der breiten Verfügbarkeit von AT, parallel dazu die Entwicklung von Hightech-Lösungen, die eines Tages breit verfügbar sein könnten, und 3) die Förderung eines inklusionsfreundlichen gesellschaftlichen Klimas.
  • Publication
    The diffusion of industrial robots
    ( 2022)
    Dachs, Bernhard
    Fu, Xiaolan
    Jäger, Angela
    Over the last 20 years, industrial robots have become more flexible, adaptive, and powerful. The worldwide diffusion of industrial robots increased significantly, especially after the global financial crisis of 2008/09. Despite this growth, industrial robots are unevenly distributed across countries, sectors, and firms and still far from being a general-purpose technology. Today, firms in Asian countries install more industrial robots than America, Europe, and Africa combined. China is the largest user of industrial robots. The manufacturing sector is by far the major application domain for robots, in particular the automotive and the electrical/electronics industries. Outside manufacturing, only few robots are installed. Robots are still an exception in small firms and for the production in smaller batches or single units. Evidence for an uneven diffusion of robots can also be found in comparisons of the intensity of robot use across countries which is very much driven by industrial structure.
  • Publication
    Das Recht von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf Privatheit in digitalen Umgebungen. Handlungsempfehlungen des Forum Privatheit
    ( 2021)
    Stapf, Ingrid
    Meinert, Judith
    Heesen, Jessica
    Krämer, Nicole
    Ammicht Quinn, Regina
    Bieker, Felix
    Geminn, Christian
    Nebel, Maxi
    Ochs, Carsten
  • Publication
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    Sustainability and competitiveness have long been the subject of debate, and it has become clear by now that they can be achieved at the same time, creating a win-win situation for businesses and the environment. In this context, the circular economy (CE) draws a desirable future end state of an economic system that is fully circular, sustainable and also competitive. It stands thus in the tradition of related earlier sustainability concepts. Many academic, policy and private debates recognize that the current way of living is not sustainable. Since the eighties of the past century, science has addressed the issue of ""(un-) sustainability"".
  • Publication
    Verkehrliche und ökologische Wirkungen des automatisierten und vernetzten Fahrens
    Wird die Entwicklung des automatisierten und vernetzten Fahrens auf der Straße zu steigenden Treibhausgasemissionen führen oder kann sie dazu beitragen, die das gesamte Verkehrssystem bis zum Jahr 2050 klimaschonender zu gestalten? Um diese Frage zu beantworten bedarf es einer Potenzialabschätzung, die sowohl die technische Entwicklung, die Akzeptanz als auch die verkehrlichen Wirkungen der Technikfolgen berücksichtigt.
  • Publication
    Disruptive demand side technologies: Market shares and impact on flexibility in a decentralized world
    Electricity demand is expected to increase strongly as electrification and the use of hydrogen are promising decarbonization options for the demand side sectors transport and industry. In a decentralized system with volatile renewable energy sources, flexibility potentials will play an important role for secure and cost-efficient electricity supply. On the demand side, decentralized PV-battery systems and electric vehicles as well as hydrogen production by electrolyzers could provide the necessary flexibility. Energy demand over time is calculated based on assumed and simulated market shares of these and other low-emission technologies. Impacts on the system and residual load are analyzed, with a focus on the contribution of load shifting as a demand-side measure. Results indicate that load shifting can contribute significantly to integrate RES electricity.
  • Publication
    What can we do? Participatory foresight for the bioeconomy transition
    Several future scenarios were developed and illustrate how differently the bioeconomy can be shaped. The contribution of individual consumption and lifestyles is highlighted. None of the scenarios describe a bioeconomy that was perceived exclusively positive by the involved people. In each of the elaborated scenario, there are also assumptions that were critically and controversially discussed. It became clear that the individual assessments differ considerably on how desirable the presented pictures of the future are. The bioeconomy is therefore not a solution to all problems, and not to the same extent for all people.Why do we want a bioeconomy? The future scenarios show that a sustainable bioeconomy will require changes in many different subfields of society at the same time. Individual developments need to be critically examined, but also the interplay of different elements needs to be assessed in terms of their impact on specific aspects of sustainability. The alternative futures of the bioeconomy assist to become aware of the effects on our everyday life and to initiate a discourse that, on the one hand, supports a conscious examination of critical points and, on the other hand, addresses the plurality of needs.
  • Publication
    Drivers and barriers to the CE: A micro-/meso-level analysis
    ( 2021)
    Rio, Pablo del
    Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier
    Könnölä, Totti
    An appropriate analysis of the adoption of CE innovations (CEIs) should be based on the application of an analytical framework which takes into account the wide array of determinants which influence their uptake. As mentioned in a previous chapter, CE innovations are a subset of all eco-innovations which, in turn, are a subset of all innovations. Therefore, such an analytical framework should consider the barriers and drivers of innovation in the general innovation literature, but also take into account the particularities of eco-innovations and CE innovations.
  • Publication
    Faults and failures in smart buildings: A new tool for diagnosis
    ( 2021)
    Najeh, Houda
    Singh, Mahendra
    Ploix, Stephane
    Building systems are equipped with building automation system, supervisory controllers, and a lot of sensors which make them complex systems. In this context, technical malfunctions can have a huge impact on building operation and occupant's comfort. To make a resilient building management system, it is important to identify the severity, cause, and type of each fault using fault diagnosis techniques. The first step for a building diagnostic framework is the designing of tests. To make a test, data are required from different sensors. Due to a battery problem, sensors yield gaps. The delay between two data sent depends on the measured value and the type of sensor and the question that arises is from which delay, a sensor becomes faulty? This is a challenge. In a building system, there is no universal test, but there are contextual tests with limited validity. These local contexts are measured with potentially faulty sensors, and the problem is how to conclude about a test that can be valid or not knowing that validity can only be tested with possibly faulty sensors? This is also a complex problem to solve. A test is characterized by thresholds i.e. the behavioral constraints which are either satisfied or unsatisfied. Uncertainty is related to the validity constraints. Indeed, it is difficult to set a threshold for the level of validity from which we can conclude if a test is valid or not. In this work, the proposed methodology of diagnosis comprises the diagnosis from the first principle because it allows us to determine the minimum diagnoses with explanation at component level. Moreover, the diagnostic results are calculated from a set of tests, each one is defined by its level of validity and the problem is how to conclude in terms of diagnosis and how to take into account the level of validity in the diagnosis? The objective of this work is to highlight these challenges as well as to provide a strategy about how to solve them. A real application has been studied for validation: a platform at the University of Southern Denmark.