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European Hydrogen Infrastructure Planning

2024 , Alibas, Sirin , Ausfelder, Florian , Ditz, Daniel , Ebner, Michael , Engwerth, Veronika , Fleiter, Tobias , Fragoso García, Joshua , Genge, Lucien , Greitzer, Maria , Haas, Sofia , Haendel, Michael , Hank, Christoph , Hauser, Philipp , Heneka, Maximilian , Heineken, Wolfram , Hildebrand, Jan , Isik, Volkan , Köppel, Wolfgang , Harper, Ryan , Jahn, Matthias , Klaassen, Bernhard , Kneiske, Tanja Manuela , Malzkuhn, Sabine , Kuzyaka, Berkan , Mielich, Tim , Lux, Benjamin , Maghnam, Ammar , Müsgens, Felix , Mendler, Friedrich , Pleier, Amanda , Müller-Kirchenbauer, Joachim , Isbert, Anne-Marie , Ruprecht, David , Sadat-Razavi, Pantea , Neuner, Felix , Pfluger, Benjamin , Mohr, Stephan , Ragwitz, Mario , Scheffler, Marcel , Solomon, Mithran Daniel , Voglstätter, Christopher , Weißenburger, Bastian , Ausfelder, Florian , Ragwitz, Mario , Förster, My Yen , Nolden, Christoph

The white paper was developed by a selected authorship of the TransHyDE Project System Analysis. The contents of the TransHyDE publications are produced in the project independently of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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Szenarien für ein klimaneutrales Deutschland

2023 , Ragwitz, Mario , Weidlich, Anke , Biermann, Dirk , Brandes, Julian , Brown, Tom , Burghardt, Célia , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Erlach, Berit , Fuss, Sabine , Geden, Oliver , Gierds, Jörn , Jochem, Patrick , Herrmann, Ulrike , Fischedick, Manfred , Kost, Christoph , Luderer, Gunnar , Schäfer, Mirko , Wiese, Frauke , Neuhoff, Karsten , Wagemann, Kurt , Winkler, Jenny , Zachmann, Bastian , Zheng, Lin

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The potential of a hydrogen economy: an economic and social perspective

2022 , Wietschel, Martin , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Neuwirth, Marius , Scherrer, Aline , Zheng, Lin , Gerhardt, Norman , Herkel, Sebastian , Jahn, Matthias , Lozanovski, Aleksandar , Pfluger, Benjamin , Pieton, Natalia , Ragwitz, Mario , Schnabel, Frieder

In order to create a comprehensive overview of a future hydrogen economy, different climate target and energy demand scenarios will be considered and the key issues of economic relevance, value creation, climate protection, public support and demand for hydrogen will be examined. This chapter starts with a section on the economic relevance of hydrogen and hydrogen-based synthesis products and makes predictions as to how a potential hydrogen market may develop in the future. It then discusses the value chain that would result from a climate-neutral hydrogen economy and addresses the sales and labor market potential that chain would give rise to. Lastly, it highlights the opportunities this would present for German industry. Subsequently, the chapter focuses on how the use of hydrogen can help achieve climate and environmental targets, including an explanation of how hydrogen production can potentially help to reduce greenhouse gas generation, depending on which raw materials are used. Finally, three essential factors for achieving public support for and removing the barriers to a hydrogen economy will be discussed, followed by the challenges and opportunities that a hydrogen economy would present for the key demand sectors of industry, transportation, heating and energy.

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Hydrogen technologies in energy systems

2022 , Bard, Jochen , Gerhardt, Norman , Plaisir, Marie , Schröer, Ramona , Held, Anne , Henning, Hans-Martin , Kost, Christoph , Pfluger, Benjamin , Ragwitz, Mario , Reuter, Andreas

This chapter compares the role of hydrogen and synthetic energy carriers in energy systems and discusses certain aspects of them. To this end, we have examined systemic studies that consider the existing interactions between demand, production, facility locations and the construction and use of power, gas and heating networks.

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Assessing the conditions for economic viability of dynamic electricity retail tariffs for households

2024 , Stute, Judith , Pelka, Sabine , Kühnbach, Matthias , Klobasa, Marian

The success of the energy transition relies on effectively utilizing flexibility in the power system. Dynamic tariffs are a highly discussed and promising innovation for incentivizing the use of residential flexibility. However, their full potential can only be realized if households achieve significant benefits. This paper specifically addresses this topic. We examine the leverage of household flexibility and the financial benefits of using dynamic tariffs, considering household heterogeneity, the costs of home energy management systems and smart meters, the impact of higher electricity prices and price spreads and the differences between types of prosumers. To comprehensively address this topic, we use the EVaTar-building model, a simulation framework that includes embedded optimization designed to simulate household electricity consumption patterns under the influence of a home energy management system or in response to dynamic tariffs. The study's main finding is that households can achieve significant cost savings and increase flexibility utilization by using a home energy management system and dynamic electricity tariffs, provided that electricity prices and price spreads reach higher levels. When comparing price levels in a low and high electricity price scenario, with an increase of the average electricity price by 15.2 €ct/kWh (67% higher than the average for the year 2019) and an increase of the price spread by 8.9 €ct/kWh (494% higher), the percentage of households achieving cost savings increases from 3.9% to 62.5%. Households with both an electric vehicle and a heat pump observed the highest cost benefits. Sufficiently high price incentives or sufficiently low costs for home energy management systems and metering point operation are required to enable households to mitigate rising electricity costs and ensure residential flexibility for the energy system through electric vehicles and heat pumps.

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Ukrainian Hydrogen Export Potential: Opportunities and Challenges in the Light of the Ongoing War

2023 , Sukurova, Natalia , Wietschel, Martin , Fragoso García, Joshua , Müller, Viktor Paul , Franke, Katja , Kantel, Anne , Graf, Marieke Emilie Anna , Jalbout, Eddy , Pieton, Natalia , Abdel-Khalek, Hazem , Bergup, Emily , Weise, Friedrich

The purpose of the working paper is to study the hydrogen export potential of Ukraine, including the opportunities and challenges in light of the ongoing war, based on the analyses of national and international sources as well as the modeling and calculations conducted within the HYPAT project. The carried-out analysis of the current trends and developments of the hydrogen economy in Ukraine shows that de-spite the ongoing war, the EU remains interested in Ukraine as a potential future hy-drogen supplier. Techno-economic assessment reveals the following: green steel could become an important export product in the future, generating additional reve-nues in the country; Ukraine has a well-established infrastructure for exporting hydro-gen and Power-to-X products to Western Europe via pipelines and seaports, but the repurposing of this infrastructure needs to be further investigated; important energy infrastructures and land for potential renewable energy deployment are currently oc-cupied by the Russian military. It is determined that the war's uncertain duration in-creases the risks of investing in developing the large RE potential in Ukraine so, low-cost RE might only be sufficient to cover domestic demand. The following opportuni-ties and obstacles are highlighted: the development of a hydrogen economy can bring socio-political advantages, but the large-scale hydrogen production in Ukraine might be limited due to water scarcity and competitive water use for the agricultural sector and could imply higher energy costs for households.

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Die internationale Dimension der Wasserstofftechnologien im Energiesystem

2022 , Gerhardt, Norman , Pfennig, Maximilian , Hebling, Christopher , Schlüter, Kira , Ranzmeyer, Ombeni , Wietschel, Martin , Pieton, Natalia , Kschammer, Kristin , Ragwitz, Mario

Weitgehender internationaler Common Sense ist, dass aus Gründen des Ressourcen- und Klimaschutzes die Verwendung fossiler Energieträger bis Mitte des Jahrhunderts vollständig beendet und ein Großteil unserer Produktionsprozesse mit dem Ziel einer Kreislaufwirtschaft umgebaut werden muss. Hierbei kommt CO2-neutral hergestelltem Wasserstoff eine Schlüsselrolle zu, ebenso wie den daraus synthetisch hergestellten längerkettigen Molekülen, stofflichen Energieträgern und Chemierohstoffen in einer Vielzahl von Produkten in der Mobilität und in der Industrie. Da Ressourcennutzung und CO2-Produktion sich in ihren Auswirkungen grundsätzlich international niederschlagen, kann auch dieser Transformationsprozess nur mit einer internationalen Zusammenarbeit nach gemeinsam definierten Regeln bewältigt werden. Dies betrifft die Erforschung und Entwicklung der entsprechenden Technologien ebenso wie deren Anwendung und Förderung. Der Beitrag liefert einen Überblick über Vereinbarungen, Initiativen, Ziele und Erfolge dieser internationalen Zusammenarbeit.

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Export Potentials of Green Hydrogen - Methodology for a Techno-Economic Assessment

2023 , Pieton, Natalia , Abdel-Khalek, Hazem , Graf, Marieke Emilie Anna , Drechsler, Björn , Lenivova, Veronika , Nolden, Christoph , Bergup, Emily Felicitas , Sinha, Mohammad , Fragoso García, Joshua , Franke, Katja , Kleinschmitt, Christoph , Müller, Viktor Paul , Wietschel, Martin , Holst, Marius , Weise, Friedrich , Voglstätter, Christopher

This working paper describes the quantitative and model-based methodology used in HYPAT to assess hydrogen and Power-to-X (PtX) export potentials in the countries Morocco, Ukraine, Namibia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Chile, Canada, Brazil, and New Zealand. The results of the techno-economic assessment are further used as a basis for a global hydrogen and PtX atlas, and as an indication of the price development of hydrogen and PtX.

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War in Ukraine: Implications for the European and German strategies for importing hydrogen and synthesis products. Position paper

2022-03 , Wietschel, Martin , Roth, Florian , Fragoso García, Joshua , Herbst, Andrea , Kleinschmitt, Christoph , Wittmann, Florian , Breitschopf, Barbara , Zheng, Lin , Eckstein, Johannes , Neuwirth, Marius , Pfluger, Benjamin , Ragwitz, Mario , Löschel, Andreas , Biesewig, Lars , Thiel, Zarah , Voglstätter, Christopher , Nunez, Almudena , Quitzow, Rainer , Kunze, Robert , Stamm, Andreas , Strohmaier, Rita , Lorych, Ludger

Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has led many to question the formerly held certainty that close trade relations result in a stable energy supply. Hydrogen, which is expected to play an important role in the future, is particularly affected by this. Against this background, among other things, this position paper addresses new approaches to assessing partner countries for hydrogen imports, the development of import costs, and the potential for hydrogen production in the EU. The paper also addresses the future economic development of Ukraine through the production and transportation of hydrogen.

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Potenziale einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft aus wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Perspektive

2022 , Wietschel, Martin , Dütschke, Elisabeth , Neuwirth, Marius , Scherrer, Aline , Zheng, Lin , Gerhardt, Norman , Herkel, Sebastian , Jahn, Matthias , Lozanovski, Aleksandar , Pfluger, Benjamin , Pieton, Natalia , Ragwitz, Mario , Schnabel, Frieder

Um ein umfassendes Gesamtbild für eine zukünftige Wasserstoffwirtschaft zu zeichnen, werden unterschiedliche Szenarien für Klimaziele und Energienachfrage betrachtet und die wesentlichen Themen wirtschaftliche Relevanz, Wertschöpfung, Klimabeitrag, Akzeptanz und Nachfrage von Wasserstoff beleuchtet. Das Kapitel startet mit einem Abschnitt zur wirtschaftlichen Relevanz von Wasserstoff sowie darauf basierenden Syntheseprodukten und gibt einen Ausblick auf den potenziellen Wasserstoffmarkt der Zukunft. Es zeigt die Wertschöpfungskette einer klimaneutralen Wasserstoffwirtschaft auf und thematisiert resultierende Umsatz- und Arbeitsmarktpotenziale und letztlich die damit verbundenen Chancen für die deutsche Industrie. Im Anschluss wird der Beitrag zur Erreichung von Klima- und Umweltzielen durch den Einsatz von Wasserstoff diskutiert, wobei das Treibhausgasminderungspotenzial der Wasserstoffherstellung in Abhängigkeit seiner Rohstoffe beschrieben wird. Schließlich werden drei wesentliche Dimensionen für die Akzeptanz und den Abbau von Barrieren für eine Wasserstoffwirtschaft thematisiert und abschließend die Herausforderungen und Chancen einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft für die wesentlichen Nachfragesektoren Industrie, Verkehr, Wärme und Energie diskutiert.