Now showing 1 - 10 of 2807
  • Publication
    Exploring the psychological antecedents of private and public sphere behaviours to reduce household plastic consumption
    ( 2023)
    Heidbreder, Lea Marie
    Schmitt, Manfred
    In the last few years, plastic has become an issue of current interest as tremendous ecological effects from plastic littering have become visible. Taking the role of consumers into account, activities comprising purchasing decisions and political engagement are expected to help prevent plastic pollution. The goal of this study was to examine antecedents of three potential plastic reduction activities: purchasing, activism, and policy support. Based on well-established psychological models of pro-environmental behaviour (i.e. theory of planned behaviour, norm activation model), an online survey (N = 648) was administered and analysed via structural equation modelling. Results revealed that personal norms were a relevant predictor of all three intentions. Whereas sufficiency orientation and collective efficacy predicted only activism intention and policy support intention, perceived behavioural control was the strongest predictor of purchasing intentions. Regarding behaviour, people with high activism intentions and sufficiency orientation were more likely to choose a plastic-free incentive instead of the conventional shopping voucher. This study highlights psychological antecedents of plastic reduction. An integrated model showed that rational cost-benefit considerations as well as morality serve as drivers of reducing plastic consumption. Implications for the promotion of plastic-free consumption are discussed.
  • Publication
    An update of challenges and possible solutions related to ICT patents: The perspective of European stakeholders
    Patents in information and communication technologies (ICTs) are important instruments for protecting companies' inventions and to appropriate the value of the related inventions. However, the increasing dynamics and complexity in ICTs are challenging the effectiveness of patents. Based on a review of the literature and interviews with relevant stakeholders in Europe, we have identified the most relevant challenges for patents in ICT and possible solutions. These insights have been used as input in framing our broad survey among European stakeholders. The results reveal on the one hand the differences between the patent owners and stakeholders owning no patents, in particular with regards to the various challenges the patent system is facing. On the other hand, the differences disappear in the assessment of the effectiveness of the various solutions. Finally, we conclude with a summary of our main findings.
  • Publication
    The role of industrial actors in the circular economy for critical raw materials: A framework with case studies across a range of industries
    ( 2023)
    Cimprich, Alexander
    Young, Steven B.
    Schrijvers, Dieuwertje
    Ku, Anthony Y.
    Hagelüken, Christian
    Christmann, Patrice
    Eggert, Roderick
    Habib, Komal
    Hirohata, Atsufumi
    Hurd, Alan J.
    Lee, Min-Ha
    Peck, David
    Petavratzi, Evi
    Wäger, Patrick
    Hool, Alessandra
    In this article, we explore concrete examples of circularity strategies for critical raw materials (CRMs) in commercial settings. We propose a company-level framework for systematically evaluating circularity strategies (e.g., material recycling, product reuse, and product or component lifetime extension) in specific applications of CRMs from the perspectives of specific industrial actors. This framework is applied in qualitative analyses - informed by relevant literature and expert consultation - of five case studies across a range of industries: (1) rhenium in high-pressure turbine components, (2) platinum group metals in industrial catalysts for chemical processing and oil refining, (3) rare earth permanent magnets in computer hard disk drives, (4) various CRMs in consumer electronics, and (5) helium in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. Drawing from these case studies, three broader observations can be made about company circularity strategies for CRMs. Firstly, there are multiple, partly competing motivations that influence the adoption of circularity strategies, including cost savings, supply security, and external stakeholder pressure. Secondly, business models and value-chain structure play a major role in the implementation of circularity strategies; business-to-business models appear to be more conducive to circularity than business-to-consumer models. Finally, it is important to distinguish between closed-loop circularity, in which material flows are contained within the ""focal"" actor's system boundary, and open-loop circularity, in which material flows cross the system boundary, as the latter has limited potential for mitigating material criticality from the perspective of the focal actor.
  • Publication
    Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten. Impulspapier
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2022) ; ;
    Fragoso García, Joshua
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    Löschel, Andreas
    Biesewig, Lars
    Thiel, Zarah
    Voglstätter, Christopher
    Nunez, Almudena
    Quitzow, Rainer
    Kunze, Robert
    Stamm, Andreas
    Strohmaier, Rita
    Lorych, Ludger
    Der Angriffskrieg von Russland auf die Ukraine hat auf vielen Seiten zur Erkenntnis geführt, dass die bisher geltende Gewissheit, dass enge Handelsbeziehungen zu einer stabilen Energieversorgung führen, zu hinterfragen ist. Das Zukunftsthema Wasserstoff ist davon in besonderem Maße betroffen. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich das Impulspapier unter anderem mit neuen Ansätzen der Bewertung von Partnerländern beim Wasserstoffimport, der Entwicklung von Importkosten und den Potenzialen für eine Wasserstoffherstellung in der EU. Zudem geht das Papier auf die künftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Ukraine durch die Erzeugung und den Transport von Wasserstoff ein.
  • Publication
    A typology for unpacking the diversity of social innovation in energy transitions
    ( 2022)
    Wittmayer, Julia M.
    Hielscher, Sabine
    Fraaije, Maria
    Avelino, Flor
    Academic research and policy have focused on sustainable energy transitions for addressing the societal challenge of climate change for a long time, but the concept of 'social innovation' has only been recently taken up. This concept refers to different social phenomena relating to changes in socio-technical systems. Moving beyond narrow perspectives on social innovation, this article asks how we can capture the diversity of social innovation, taking the example of the energy sector. It proposes a comprehensive typology of social innovation that allows to capture the phenomen on in its empirical diversity, and to more systematically investigate processes of social innovation and their contributions to making socio-technical systems more sustainable. The typology is based on a conceptual understanding of social innovation in energy (SIE) as comprising changing social relations involving new ways of doing, thinking and/or organising energy. It is empirically grounded in mapping and analysing 500 SIE-initiatives across eight European countries. Such a conceptually-informed and empirically-grounded understanding of SIE sheds light on the 'social' as an object of innovation, the agency of a multitude of actors, and the different types of social relations and activities pursued by energy system actors. It also opens the possibility to publicly discuss the diverse social innovations and their interdependencies, (un)desirability, as well as transformative potentials in energy transitions.
  • Publication
    The future potential hydrogen demand in energy-intensive industries - a site-specific approach applied to Germany
    Hydrogen, when based on renewable electricity, can play a key role in the transition towards CO2-neutral industrial production, since its use as an energy carrier as well as a feedstock in various industrial process routes is promising. At the same time, a large-scale roll-out of hydrogen for industrial use would entail substantial impacts on the energy system, which can only be assessed if the regional distribution of future hydrogen demand is considered. Here, we assess the technical potential of hydrogen-based technologies for energy-intensive industries in Germany. The site-specific and process-specific bottom-up calculation considers 615 individual plants at 367 sites, and results in a total potential hydrogen demand of 326 TWh/a. The results are available as an open dataset. Using hydrogen for non-energy-intensive sectors as well increases the potential hydrogen demand to between 482 and 534 TWh/a for Germany - based on today's industrial structure and production output. This assumes that fossil fuels are almost completely replaced by hydrogen for process heating and feedstocks. The resulting hydrogen demand is very unevenly distributed: a few sites account for the majority of the overall potential and, similarly, the bulk of demand is concentrated in a few regions with steel and chemical clusters.
  • Publication
    How to integrate real-world user behavior into models of the market diffusion of alternative fuels in passenger cars - An in-depth comparison of three models for Germany
    ( 2022) ; ;
    Seddig, Katrin
    Stich, Meike
    Schade, Wolfgang
    Gómez Vilchez, Jonatan J.
    The future market diffusion of alternative fuels in the passenger car sector is of great interest to both carmakers and policymakers in order to decrease CO2 emissions. The decision to buy a car is not totally objective and only partly based on cost. For this reason, those modeling the future market evolution of cars powered by alternative fuels try to include behavioral and non-cost related aspects. This paper analyzes the integration of user behavior into market diffusion models and compares three models that include this aspect. The comparison comprises three parts: first, it compares the modeling approaches, then uses a harmonized data set to model the future market diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles, with and without behavioral aspects. The most important aspects of user behavior included in the models are the use of charging infrastructure, the limited model availability, the consideration of range anxiety as a hampering factor or the willingness-to-pay-more for alternative drivetrains as a supporting factor, as well as a distinction of users' driving distances. User behavior is considered in various ways, but always has a limiting effect on electric vehicle market diffusion. While a model that distinguishes individual users and driving distances stresses the high relevance of this aspect, it is considered less important in models with a more aggregated inclusion of user behavior based on logit functions.
  • Publication
    Governance choice misfit and firm performance in offshoring innovation: The role of institutional environment
    ( 2022)
    Hong, Jie
    Massini, Silvia
    In this paper, we analyse the effect of institutional factors on the relationship between governance choices and business outcomes when offshoring innovation. Grounded in an institutional theory perspective, we use survey data from the ORN database to estimate regression models and identify governance modes related to specific drivers of offshore innovation. We then analyse the effect on firm performance of choosing a governance mode not in line with the one predicted by the model. We find that choosing a fully owned offshoring operation when theory would predict selecting offshore outsourcing has a negative effect on performance, but not vice versa. We also find that institutional factors of rule of law and IPR protection strength in host countries negatively affect firm performance when offshoring innovation activities.
  • Publication
    Mehr Fortschritt wagen - durch Stärkung des Datenschutzes
    (Fraunhofer ISI, 2022)
    Roßnagel, Alexander
    Geminn, Christian
    Hansen, Marit
    Der Koalitionsvertrag zwischen SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP verspricht ein »Bündnis für Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit«. Er formuliert einen Gestaltungsanspruch, auch für die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Und er nennt zahlreiche Vorhaben, die Privatheit, Selbstbestimmung und Datenschutz betreffen oder Auswirkungen darauf haben. Naturgemäß handelt es sich beim Koalitionsvertrag jedoch um einen Kompromiss, der nur das konkret benennt, worauf sich die Koalitionäre inhaltlich einigen konnten. Vieles wird daher nur angedeutet, bleibt im Ungefähren oder erfährt eine abstrakte Formulierung. Der Expert:innenkreis »Forum Privatheit und selbstbestimmtes Leben in der digitalen Welt« hat unter Mitwirkung von Michael Friedewald und Murat Karaboga (CC T) den Koalitionsvertrag daraufhin analysiert, welche Aussagen er zur Gestaltung der Digitalisierung mit Blick auf Privatheit und Selbstbestimmung enthält. Die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der neuen Bundesregierung hat das Forum Privatheit in dem Policy Paper »Mehr Fortschritt wagen - durch Stärkung des Datenschutzes« zusammengefasst.
  • Publication
    Innovation in Malmö after the Öresund Bridge
    ( 2022)
    Ejermo, Olof
    Hussinger, Katrin
    Kalash, Basheer
    We analyze the effect of the Öresund Bridge, a combined railway and motorway bridge between Swedish Malmö and the Danish capital Copenhagen, on inventive activity in the region of Malmö. Applying difference-in-difference estimation on individual-level data, our findings suggest that the Öresund Bridge led to a significant increase in the number of patents per individual in the Malmö region as compared to the two other major regions in Sweden, Gothenburg and Stockholm. We show that a key mechanism is the attraction of highly qualified workers to the Malmö region following the construction of the bridge.