Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    "Unternehmenskultur 4.0" bei einem Zulieferbetrieb gestalten
    ( 2021) ; ;
    Weiß, Peter
    Jehnichen, Thomas
    Derse, Matthias
    Meier, Mario
    Wernet, Marius
    Vor dem Hintergrund industrieller Transformationsprozesse sowie zunehmend dynamischer und kundenindividueller Anforderungen können produzierende Unternehmen digitale Technologien gezielt nutzen, um Arbeitsabläufe effizienter zu organisieren. Vernetzte Produktionssysteme bieten dabei eine Möglichkeit, um Fabrikabläufe leichter planen und steuern zu können. Ihre Einführung bedarf allerdings einer ""Unternehmenskultur 4.0"". Diese zeichnet sich durch ein hohes Maß an Vertrauen in digitale Lösungen aus, trotz der hohen Komplexität und damit verbundenen ungewissen Nutzengewinne. Am Beispiel eines digitalen Werkzeugmanagements wird gezeigt, wie ein mittelständischer Zulieferbetrieb eine solche Unternehmenskultur gezielt stärken kann.
  • Publication
    Patents and corporate credit risk
    ( 2020)
    Frey, Carl Benedikt
    A vast literature documents a positive relationship between patents and companies stock market performance. Nevertheless, evidence on the influence of patents on companies' debt capacity remains sparse. In this article, we examine the relationship between companies' patent portfolios and their credit rating, providing relevant, albeit indirect, evidence on patents as a debt funding mechanism. Using a panel dataset on 155 U.S. firms, we find a positive relationship between companies' credit rating and the size of their patent portfolio. Our indicators for valuable patents, however, provide a mixed picture. While there is a positive link between the average family size of a company's patent portfolio and its credit ratings, we surprisingly find a significant negative relationship between patent forward citations and companies ratings. We hypothesize that this finding is the result of citations being associated with patent lawsuits, potentially incurring substantial losses on creditors.
  • Publication
    Die Zukunft des Internet of Things im verarbeitenden Gewerbe
    ( 2020) ; ;
    Nimis, Jens
    Die komplexen Systeme in der digitalisierten Industrie sind zunehmend vernetzt und generieren heterogene Daten. Das Fog Computing soll eine effiziente Datenverarbeitung im Internet of Things (IoT) ermöglichen, dessen zukünftige Entwicklung jedoch noch ungewiss ist. Die Frage ist, wie die Zukunft des IoT im verarbeitenden Gewerbe Deutschlands aussieht, welche Rolle das Fog Computing darin spielt und welche Implikationen sich für die digitale Arbeitswelt ergeben. Die Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Szenarioprozesses liefern Einblicke in mögliche Zukunftsbilder.
  • Publication
    Standardization and standards as science and innovation indicators
    The focus of innovation policies has shifted from knowledge creation and protection (e. g., by patents) to knowledge diffusion (e. g., via open access) in order to promote their implementation. This has led to an increasing need for innovation indicators that reflect the implementation of knowledge within innovative products and services. Standardization as a kind of open innovation process, and standards as its output, represents a new type of innovation indicator. In this chapter, we begin with a discussion of existing opportunities for using standards and standardization as innovation indicators , including three specific examples of input, throughput, and output indicators. Next we identify challenges that must be addressed to close the data gaps-which are still very significant when compared with patent data. In addition, the broader concept of quality infrastructure is introduced in order to point out the complexity of standards implementation, and its close link to innovation as well. The chapter concludes with examples of how decision makers in industry and policy could make use of a comprehensive database of standardization and standards to evaluate innovation policy initiatives.
  • Publication
    Extending the knowledge base of foresight: The contribution of text mining
    ( 2017)
    Kayser, Victoria
    While the volume of data from heterogeneous sources grows considerably, foresight and its methods rarely benefit from such available data. This work concentrates on textual data and considers its use in foresight to address new research questions and integrate other stakeholders. This textual data can be accessed and systematically examined through text mining which structures and aggregates data in a largely automated manner. By exploiting new data sources (e.g. Twitter, web mining), more actors and views are integrated, and more emphasis is laid on the analysis of social changes. The objective of this article is to explore the potential of text mining for foresight by considering different data sources, text mining approaches, and foresight methods. After clarifying the potential of combining text mining and foresight, examples are outlined for roadmapping and scenario development. As the results show, text mining facilitates the detection and examination of emerging topics and technologies by extending the knowledge base of foresight. Hence, new foresight applications can be designed. In particular, text mining provides a solid base for reflecting on possible futures.
  • Publication
    Energiekompendium. Ein Nachschlagewerk für Grundbegriffe, Konzepte und Technologien
    (Fraunhofer Verlag, 2017)
    Das Gelingen der Energiewende erfordert einen weitreichenden Wandel des derzeitigen Energiesystems. Dazu müssen alle Bereiche des Systems enger miteinander verzahnt und in ihrer Gesamtheit umgestaltet werden. Eine wichtige Säule dessen ist die Energieforschung. Dieses Nachschlagewerk richtet sich an alle, die angesichts der vielfältigen Themen einen einfachen und grundlegenden Einstieg in die Begrifflichkeiten der Energieforschung suchen. Die Beiträge sollen dem Leser durch eine Fokussierung auf das Wesentliche helfen, sich schnell mit vielfältigen Themen der Energiewende vertraut zu machen und sich daran zu orientieren. Dazu decken über 3800 Stichwörter bzw. rund 2200 Beiträge sowohl die Grundbegriffe aus Forschung und Technik, damit in Verbindung stehende Konzepte als auch zahlreiche energietechnologische Begriffe ab, die sich über die gesamte Energiewandlungskette hinweg erstrecken.
  • Publication
    Standard essential patents to boost financial returns
    ( 2016)
    Pohlmann, Tim
    Numerous innovative applications build upon standardized technologies. These technologies increasingly incorporate standard essential patents (SEPs). It is crucial to own SEPs in order to achieve and maintain significant market shares. We test the influence of owning SEPs on a firm's financial performance. In our analysis, we use a unique dataset of firms participating in international standard setting organizations (SSOs). Our results indicate a curvilinear (inverse U-shaped) relationship of owning SEPs on a firm's return on assets. The curvilinear relationship suggests that firms should balance their patent portfolio by holding a share of patents, which are essential for standards, and by holding a share of patents on technologies that are not standardized. Our results further show that the effects of owning SEPs depend on the specific SSO as well as on the size of the patent portfolio. Our findings are a first step toward identifying and assessing the financial impact of patents essential to standards. Our empirical tests suggest that companies should pursue a common strategy for patenting and standardization to exploit patented inventions in technology fields where standards matter.
  • Publication
    Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe - scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure in 2030 and 2050
    ( 2016) ; ;
    Bohn, Sven
    Agsten, Michael
    Bretschneider, Peter
    Snigovyi, Oleksandr
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    Westermann, Dirk
    Climate change and limited availability of fossil fuel reserves stress both the importance of deploying renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity generation and the need for a stronger integration of regional electricity markets. This analysis focuses on North African (NA) countries, which possess vast resources of renewable energy but whose electricity supply is still largely dependent on fossil fuels. An analysis of cost-optimized deployment scenarios for RES is conducted in five NA countries in 2030 and 2050. Three electricity models are combined to derive results covering trans-regional to sub-national level, including a detailed analysis of grid capacities and future transmission challenges. Further, opportunities for integration of European and NA electricity markets are evaluated. Results confirm that, by 2050, high RES shares - close to 100% - are possible in NA. Wind energy is the dominant technology. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants also play an important role with rising RES shares due to the possibility to store thermal energy. Electricity exports to Europe gain particular importance in the period after 2030. Substantial transmission grid reinforcements on AC-level and the construction of a high voltage DC overlay grid are prerequisites for the forecasted scenarios.
  • Publication
    EnArgus: Zentrales Informationssystem Energieforschungsförderung
    Mit EnArgus stellen wir ein interdisziplinäres Projekt von Energieforschern, Informatikern und Linguisten vor: die Erstellung eines zentralen Informationssystems für die Energieforschungsförderung in Deutschland. EnArgus stellt über ein neues Energieforschungs-Wiki für ausgewählte Themenbereiche der Energieforschung eine Fachontologie bereit, die die Basis für intelligentes Suchen in einer großen Datenbank von Fördervorhaben bildet. Die ontologiebasierte Suchmaschine ist das Kernstück des EnArgus-Informationssystems. EnArgus richtet sich an heterogene Zielgruppen, was sich in verschiedenen Benutzerschnittstellenniederschlägt; wir stellen EnArgus.public, EnArgus.master, und die zugrundeliegende Fachontologie vor und skizzieren den Projektverlauf von der Anforderungsanalyse bis zur Evaluation. Abschließend berichten wir über die derzeit laufenden Weiterentwicklungen im Nachfolgeprojekt EnArgus2.0.
  • Publication
    A pan-European-North African HVDC grid for bulk energy transmission - a model-based analysis
    ( 2014)
    Bohn, Sven
    Agsten, Michael
    Marten, Anne-Katrin
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    The usage of renewable energy is gaining importance due to national and international targets for reduction of CO2 emissions and consumption of fossil fuels and respective renewable energy deployment goals. Due to the volatile nature of renewable energy and regional potentials for generation in remote areas, there is a need for a better integration of generation and load centers in a common transmission infrastructure. This can be done by establishing a meshed HVDC overlay grid for bulk electricity transmission over long distances. Therefore, this paper describes the outlook for renewable energy deployment by 2050 in the North African region, as well as the potential to export renewable energy to Europe. It analyses the existing AC transmission grid infrastructure and explains why a meshed pan-European-North African HVDC overlay grid will solve the transmission requirements for the target year 2050.