Now showing 1 - 10 of 87
  • Publication
    Managing artificial intelligence applications in healthcare: Promoting information processing among stakeholders
    ( 2024-04)
    Hofmann, Peter
    Lämmermann, Luis
    AI applications hold great potential for improving healthcare. However, successfully operating AI is a complex endeavor requiring organizations to establish adequate management approaches. Managing AI applications requires functioning information exchange between a diverse set of stakeholders. Lacking information processing among stakeholders increases task uncertainty, hampering the operation of AI applications. Existing research lacks an understanding of holistic AI management approaches. To shed light on AI management in healthcare, we conducted a multi-perspective literature analysis followed by an interview study. Based on the organizational information processing theory, this paper investigates AI management in healthcare from an organizational perspective. As a result, we develop the AI application management model (AIAMA) that illustrates the managerial factors of AI management in healthcare and its interrelations. Furthermore, we provide managerial practices that improve information processing among stakeholders. We contribute to the academic discourse by providing a conceptual framework that increases the theoretical understanding of AI's management factors and understanding of management interrelations. Moreover, we contribute to practice by providing management practices that promote information processing and decrease task uncertainty when managing AI applications in healthcare.
  • Publication
    The Impact of Resource Allocation on the Machine Learning Lifecycle
    ( 2024) ;
    Hofmann, Peter
    Völter, Fabiane
    Zwickel, Amelie
    An organization’s ability to develop Machine Learning (ML) applications depends on its available resource base. Without awareness and understanding of all relevant resources as well as their impact on the ML lifecycle, we risk inefficient allocations as well as missing monopolization tendencies. To counteract these risks, the study develops a framework that interweaves the relevant resources with the procedural and technical dependencies within the ML lifecycle. To rigorously develop and evaluate this framework the paper follows the Design Science Research paradigm and builds on a literature review and an interview study. In doing so, it bridges the gap between the software engineering and management perspective to advance the ML management discourse. The results extend the literature by introducing not yet discussed but relevant resources, describing six direct and indirect effects of resources on the ML lifecycle, and revealing the resources’ contextual properties. Furthermore, the framework is useful in practice to support organizational decision-making and contextualize monopolization tendencies.
  • Publication
    Kickstarting blockchain: designing blockchain-based tokens for equity crowdfunding
    ( 2024) ;
    Schellinger, Benjamin
    Wachter, Victor von
    Blockchain-based tokens seek to overcome the friction and opaqueness of the legacy financial infrastructure in the company funding process, particularly in the early-stage and equity crowdfunding domain. While Initial Coin Offerings and Security Token Offerings proposed a solution for crowdfunding, early-stage companies still face challenges in using blockchain as an alternative equity funding infrastructure. In this context, the idea of blockchain-based equity tokens remains hypothetical. In addition, the literature lacks design theory for the development and implementation of blockchain-based equity tokens. This research bridges this gap by designing, developing, and evaluating an equity token prototype for crowdfunding, following the design science research approach. We propose a refined crowdfunding model and derive seven design principles that contribute to the design theory of equity tokens. The research results show that blockchain-based equity tokens improve efficiency, transparency, and interoperability while meeting regulatory requirements and facilitating secondary market trading.
  • Publication
    A multivocal literature review of decentralized finance: Current knowledge and future research avenues
    ( 2023)
    Gramlich, Vincent
    Principato, Marc
    Schellinger, Benjamin
    While decentralized finance (DeFi) has the potential to emulate and, indeed, outperform existing financial systems, it remains a complex phenomenon yet to be extensively researched. To make the most of this potential, its practitioners must gain a rigorous understanding of its intricacies, as must information systems (IS) researchers. Against this background, this study uses a multivocal literature review to capture the state of research in DeFi. Thereby, we (1) present a consolidating definition of DeFi as we (2) analyze, synthesize, and discuss the current state of knowledge in the field of DeFi. We do so while adapting the blockchain research framework proposed by (Risius and Spohrer, Business & Information Systems Engineering 59:385–409, 2017). Furthermore, we (3) identify gaps in the literature and indicate future research directions in DeFi. Even though our findings highlight several shortcomings in DeFi that have prevented its widespread adoption, our literature review shows a large consensus on DeFi’s many promising features and potential to complement the traditional financial system. To that end, this paper is presented to encourage further research to mitigate the current risks of DeFi, the payoff of which will be an enriched financial ecosystem.
  • Publication
    Reporting in large-scale agile organizations: insights and recommendations from a case study in software development
    ( 2023)
    Schüll, Moritz
    Hofmann, Peter
    Philipp, Pascal
    Application of agile software development methodologies in large-scale organizations is becoming increasingly common. However, working with multiple teams and on multiple products at the same time yields higher coordination and communication efforts compared to single-team settings for which agile methodologies have been designed originally. With the introduction of agile methodologies at scale also comes the need to be able to report progress and performance not only of individual teams but also on higher aggregation of products and portfolios. Due to faster iterations, production of intermediate work results, increased autonomy of teams, and other novel characteristics, agile methodologies are challenging existing reporting approaches in large organizations. Based on 23 interviews with 17 practitioners from a large German car manufacturing company, this case study investigates challenges with reporting in large-scale agile settings. Further, based on insights from the case study, recommendations are derived. We find that combining reporting and agile methodologies in large-scale settings is indeed challenging in practice. Our research contributes to the understanding of these challenges, and points out opportunities for future research to improve reporting in large-scale agile organizations by goal-setting and automation.
  • Publication
    Lebensmittelindustrie 4.0
    ( 2023) ;
    Fischer-Brandies, Leopold
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    Oberländer, Anna Maria
    Rex, Alexander
    Stoetzer, Jens-Christian
    Teuchert, Antonie
    Volland, Maximilian
    Unsere Ambition ist es, Themen der Wirtschaftsinformatik inhaltlich wie methodisch umfassend auf höchstem Niveau abzudecken. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft erarbeiten wir auf Basis unserer fachlichen und technischen Expertise innovative Lösungen für individuelle Probleme. Unsere Lösungen betrachten dabei sowohl alle Ebenen der Unternehmensarchitektur integriert als auch die Einbettung von Unternehmen in digitale Wertschöpfungsnetze. Zudem bieten wir Impulse für Digitalisierungsstrategien und transformative Veränderungsprozesse in Unternehmen. Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik FIT Institutsteil Wirtschaftsinformatik Wittelsbacherring 10 95444 Bayreuth Danksagung Dieses White Paper wurde durch das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie im Rahmen des "Fraunhofer Blockchain Center (20-3066-2-6-14)" gefördert. Wir danken an dieser Stelle für die Unterstützung. Außerdem danken wir David Ketenidis und Marike Reinelt für die Mitarbeit an dem White Paper und vor allem für die Unterstützung bei der sprachlichen Überprüfung sowie den Illustrationen.
  • Publication
    Challenges of Organizations' Adoption of Industrial IoT Platforms - Results of a Delphi Study
    ( 2023) ;
    Karnebogen, Philip
    Companies are still reticent about adopting IIoT platforms, and research has not yet explained the underlying challenges that impede such adoption. Uncovering these obstacles can open avenues for research and practice to realize the intended potential. We take a holistic perspective on technological, organizational, and environmental challenges that impede organizations’ adoption of IIoT platforms, which we identify in a Delphi study with 22 international experts from academia and practice. Besides identifying 29 challenges, our research reveals the comparative relevance of individual challenges, uncovering differences in perceptions between academics and practitioners. The study contributes to the diffusion of IIoT platforms in research and practice.
  • Publication
    Designing a cross-organizational identity management system: Utilizing SSI for the certification of retailer attributes
    ( 2023) ;
    Kühne, Daniela
    Schlatt, Vincent
    The introduction of blockchain offers new opportunities to rethink enterprise identity management. Recently, a new concept has emerged in the blockchain community called self-sovereign identity. Self-sovereign identity combines several existing decentralized identity management approaches, promising new ways to promote more convenient, connected, and secure identity services for the private and public sector. Nevertheless, research in this area is still in its infancy. Most of the very few articles focus either on the opportunities self-sovereign identity might offer or on very specific technical features. Studies on real-world applications of organizations using modern self-sovereign identity implementations and design theory are very rare. To fill this gap, we follow the design science research approach to design, implement, and evaluate a self-sovereign identity system to present tax attributes of online retailers. We present four design principles and conclude that the use of self-sovereign identity and blockchain offers opportunities to improve verification processes.
  • Publication
    Facilitating cooperation of smallholders in developing countries: design principles for a cooperative-oriented decentralized autonomous organization
    ( 2023)
    Amend, Julia
    Troglauer, Patrick
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    Climate change and an increasing food demand due to a growing world population pose significant challenges for agriculture. Smallholders play a decisive role in establishing a sustainable and efficient future agricultural system since they already provide up to 80% of food in developing countries. However, they often face severe obstacles, especially in developing countries, hampering effective and efficient cooperation and productivity. Even though organizations in the form of cooperatives could help overcome some of the challenges of facilitating smallholders’ cooperation, they still suffer from structural problems. Further, in many countries, a lack of formal mechanisms to enforce contractual agreements exists. Given such challenges, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) have already proven to provide alternative forms of governance independent of formal contracts or intermediaries. Therefore, this study follows the design science research paradigm to design, develop, and evaluate a decentralized autonomous organization in the agricultural sector that makes use of cooperative principles. This cooperative-oriented DAO is governed by smart contracts and technically enabled by blockchain technology as the underlying infrastructure. Through our developed and evaluated artifact, the AgriDAO, we guide researchers and practitioners on how such a cooperative-oriented DAO could look to solve existing problems related to smallholders and cooperatives. Additionally, we present eight design principles that will guide the development of cooperative-oriented DAOs. Finally, our research shall initiate lively discussion and extensive exploration of this new form of organization.
  • Publication
    Attacking the trust machine: Developing an information systems research agenda for blockchain cybersecurity
    ( 2023)
    Schlatt, Vincent
    Schmid, Jonathan
    Blockchain-based systems become increasingly attractive targets for cybercrime due to the rising amount of value transacted in respective systems. However, a comprehensive overview of existing attack vectors and a directive discussion of resulting research opportunities are missing. Employing a structured literature review, we extract and analyze 87 relevant attacks on blockchain-based systems and assign them to common attack vectors. We subsequently derive a research framework and agenda for information systems research on the cybersecurity of blockchain-based systems. We structure our framework along the users, developers, and attackers of both blockchain applications and blockchain infrastructure, highlighting the reciprocal relationships between these entities. Our results show that especially socio-technical aspects of blockchain cybersecurity are underrepresented in research and require further attention.